The School of Statistics offers world-class training in statistics and data science and offers both master's and PhD degree programs. Graduate students receive a well-rounded education that encompasses deep theoretical understanding, applied statistical methodology, computation expertise, as well as communication skills.
Our faculty take pride in providing a nourishing environment for graduate students to work on cutting-edge research in statistics and data science. We have a superb record of research ever since our founding in 1971.
Our internationally distinguished faculty have produced numerous research breakthroughs in theory, methodology, and application in statistics and machine learning that helps shape the current development of data science. In particular, our faculty's publications have had major and lasting impacts on research and practice in a number of diverse areas, including:
- astrostatistics
- Bayesian foundations
- dimension reduction
- high-dimensional and big data modeling
- image analysis
- Markov chain Monte Carlo
- model selection
- modern design of experiments
- modern regression methods and diagnostics
- network analysis
- nonparametric statistics
- statistics for precision medicine
- supervised & unsupervised learning
Our faculty devote themselves to work with the graduate students on exciting data science problems. The balanced and in-depth education we provide help graduates advance and succeed in their future careers in academia, government, or industry.
The master's program is most appropriate for students who wish to pursue either a terminal degree or a secondary degree together with a primary degree in a different academic field. The PhD program is geared towards those who plan to pursue research careers in theoretical or applied statistics or advanced statistical positions in industry or government.