Graduate Minor in Statistics
The School of Statistics offers minor programs for both our MS and PhD degrees. The graduate minors are for graduate students in other programs who wish to gain a broader understanding of statistical methods.
Process for Minor Approval
Add or remove a minor using One Stop. You will be asked to complete and submit a Graduate Minor Request form and will be notified when the processing of your form is complete. After this request form has been processed, your planned minor coursework will need to be reviewed and approved by the minor program. Please consult your graduate program for instructions on how to proceed.
Master's Minor
The master's minor requires at least 9 semester credits in 4xxx, 5xxx, or 8xxx statistics courses. This minor is available for students pursuing their master's degree. The final exam committee must include one member from the School of Statistics.
Doctoral Minor
The doctoral minor requires familiarity with various statistical methods (for example, from courses such as STAT 5201, 5302, 5303, 5401, 5421, or 5601). Statistical courses offered by other departments do not count towards the minor. The PhD minor requires at least 14 semester credits of 5xxx and 8xxx level statistics courses. The preliminary oral examination and final oral examination committees must include one member from the School of Statistics.

College Resources for Graduate Students
Visit CLA’s website for graduate students to learn about collegiate funding opportunities, student support, career services, and more.