CLA Celebrates Undergraduate Commencement

A graduate shakes Dean Coleman's hand as she crosses the stage
Two smiling graduates wave their caps. A long line of graduates cross the street behind them.
Senator Amy Klobuchar at the podium with several VIPs seated behind her on the commencement stage
A group of graduates smile and hug for the camera

This year is the year CLA commencement got real—again! With on-campus ceremonies, including a special alumni commencement ceremony for 2020 and 2021 graduates, this was an undergraduate graduation season for the history books. 


  • Being able to celebrate in-person (finally!) with the Classes of 2020 & 2021.
  • Senator Amy Klobuchar shared timely remarks to the Class of 2022.
  • Comedian and entrepreneur Kareem Rahma (BA '08, journalism) offered an inspirational key note message.
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