Featured BS Student: John Orzechowski
Year: Senior
Hometown: Northbrook, Illinois
Why did you choose technical writing & communication?
I chose technical writing & communication (TWC) because I have always had a strong interest in science and writing; it was the perfect fit for me. The specific sub-plan I chose was information technology & design. I chose this sub-plan because the classes offered within it appealed most to my interests. The University of Minnesota's TWC program offers a comprehensive, unique educational experience. Along with my TWC major, I am also a design minor. I have a strong passion for user experience, and this combination of studies has allowed me to set myself up for a career in this field.
What are the most important things you've learned from this program?
The most important things I have learned from the TWC program are audience analysis, project management, and how to develop strong research skills.
What has been your favorite WRIT course?
My favorite WRIT course has been 3001 (Introduction to Technical Writing and Communication), because this class gave me incredible insight on the vast amount of opportunities available to University of Minnesota TWC students and graduates.
Have you done an internship? How did you apply what you learned in your classes to your internship experience?
I am currently in an internship as a Healthcare Data Analyst at Blue Health Intelligence in Chicago, Illinois. I am responsible for performing healthcare data analytics with different information technology mediums. This internship has given me lots of exposure into the field of healthcare, and has provided me the opportunity to apply my TWC skillset; mainly: analysis, critical thinking, and project management. I must be able to identify relevant data, effectively communicate this data as instructed, and then meet my simultaneous deliverable requirements by creating and following a project schedule.
Do you have any advice for TWC students?
My one piece of advice would be to take the time to know the professors within this department. The TWC professors truly care about your success, and have demonstrated this to me by scheduling specific office hours and offering to be recommendations.
What do you enjoy doing when you are not being a technical communicator?
When I am not being a technical communicator I enjoy playing guitar, supporting Chicago sports teams, and working out.
(Profiled June 2015)