Featured Certificate Student: Miranda De la Victoria

Portrait of Miranda De la Victoria

Why did you choose the Department of Writing Studies at the University of Minnesota?

At the time I applied, I was working for the University of Minnesota Bookstore and I became interested in styles of writing outside of creative. I started researching programs for technical writing and I really appreciated that the certificate program through the department was designed to help full time workers achieve success. Having already grown attached to the University of Minnesota, I knew this program was meant for me.

Where are you from (hometown)?

I am from Abbotsford, WI.

Where did you previously attend school? What is your degree in?

I attended the University of Texas at San Antonio. My degree is in English with a concentration in creative writing.

What are the most important things you've learned from this program?

One of the most important things I’ve learned is perseverance. Working full time and studying full time are difficult things to balance. It’s stressful and challenging, but I found a great support system in the department through its instructors, advisers, and students. I also learned how important it is for technical communicators to know new technologies. The program provides great resources to learn them, especially if you’ve never been exposed to them before.

What has been your favorite WRIT course?

It’s so hard to pick because each course has incredible value. However, I really enjoyed WRIT 5112 (Information Design) and WRIT 5561 (Editing & Style). I’ve always loved to write, but WRIT 5112 taught me how much I enjoy designing the way content is presented. It’s pretty fun to be able to control the layout and other attributes of a document. WRIT 5561 was great because I’m an editing nerd and I appreciated being able to brush up on it.  

Would you tell us about a project or course that was particularly meaningful to your professional development?

During WRIT 4562, I had the chance to lead a virtual team of Italian students. I was their project manager and guided them through a translation project. It was the first time I ever had an experience like that. The project allowed me to appreciate collaboration with others and to be brave as a leader. 

What are your career goals?

My goal is to become an editor or a writer. I’m currently interested in writing for the software industry as I’ve grown fond of coding.

What advice would you give to someone considering pursuing their MS/certificate with Writing Studies?

Jump in and keep an open mind. The field is constantly evolving and there’s always something new to learn. Whether or not you’re experienced in technical communication, this program provides you the resources and opportunities to learn what you need to be a successful technical communicator.

What are your interests / hobbies outside of academia?

I enjoy painting, writing fiction, reading, and exploring nature (hiking, kayaking, fishing).


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