Anthropology Graduate Student Organization
The Anthropology Graduate Student Organization (AGSO) represents the interests of graduate students in the anthropology department.
AGSO members coordinate and carry out graduate student initiatives in the Department of Anthropology and the University campus, and provide social, academic, and professional activities and events for department graduate students. All graduate students in the Department of Anthropology are automatically considered AGSO members. AGSO acts as a liaison between department graduate students and faculty, as well as between anthropology graduate students and the campus-wide Council of Graduate Students (COGS). AGSO representatives help to identify graduate student concerns regarding the graduate program and the policies of the Department of Anthropology.
AGSO representatives are elected every year. Opportunities are available to serve as president, vice-president, or social chair as well as on ad hoc committees designed to address pressing issues.
Meetings are held bi-annually. To get involved with AGSO, simply attend a meeting or contact one of the current AGSO Co-Presidents.