Previous AMES Colloquia
2021-22 Colloquium Series
Title | Presenter |
April 26, 4:00pm, Virtual via Zoom: "Translating Film Genres in the Cold War: Transnational Travels of Film and a Post-Colonial Investigation of Early Socialist Chinese Cinema (1949-1966)" |
Chuanhui Meng, PhD Candidate, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Minnesota |
March 29, 4:00pm, Virtual via Zoom" "Narrating the Nonhuman Animal: Vernacular Perspectives from South Asia" | Sreyashi Ray, PhD Candidate, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Minnesota |
March 15, 4:00pm, Virtual via Zoom: "The Making of Persianate Modernity" | Alexander Jabbari, Assistant Professor, University of Oklahoma |
February 15, 4:00pm, Virtual via Zoom: "Natal Alienation and Prosthetic Memory: Politics of Difference in Post-9/11 Pakistani Poetry" | Muhammad Numan, visiting PhD Research Scholar, University of Minnesota |
2019-20 Colloquium Series
Title | Presenter |
December 4, 1:30pm, Virtual via Zoom:"Monuments to Japanese Ambition: Kitsch, Camp, and Atavism in Three Postwar Towers" | Steve Ridgely, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
April 10, 1:30pm, Virtual via Zoom: "After Persian: Language and Literary History Between Iran and India" | Alexander Jabbari, University of Minnesota |
February 4, 4:00pm, 113 Folwell Hall: "Going to the Pictures: Presencing History Beyond its Archive". | Emiko Stock, Hamilton College |
January 31, 1:30pm, 108 Folwell Hall: "Censoring Miss Suwanna of Siam: Film Diplomacy, Media Modernity, and Early Thai Cinema". | Palita Chunsaengchan, University of Oregon |
November 22, 1:30pm, 113 Folwell Hall:"Heterotopias of Critique and Consensus in Indian Standup Comedy". | Harshit Rathi, 2019 Rose Travel Fellowship Recipient and PhD Candidate, Department of Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature, University of Minnesota |
November 8, 1:30pm, 113 Folwell Hall:"Undesirable Chindren in Korea: Institutions, Discourse, and the State". Download an abstract of this presentation here | Young Sun Park, Assistant Professor, Saint Mary's University of Minnesota |
September 6, 1:30pm, 28 Folwell Hall: "Early Spring in February: Reframing the Problems of Utopia in Chinese Cinema in the 1960s". | Mia Yinxing Liu, California College of Arts |
2018-19 Colloquium Series
Title | Presenter |
April 26, 1:30pm, 112 Folwell Hall: "Translation as Fiction and Theory in the Literature of Tawada Yōko". Download an abstract of this presentation here. | Brett de Bary, Professor of Asian Studies and Comparative Literature, Cornell University |
April 12, 1:30pm, 112 Folwell Hall: "Anicka Yi's Ironic Scheme of Art". Download an abstract of this presentation here. | Soyi Kim, 2017 Rose Travel Fellowship Recipiant and PhD Student, Department of Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature, University of Minnesota |
March 15, 1:30pm, 113 Folwell Hall: "Imagining the Circum-Pacific: Refugees and Migration in South Korean Art as a Transnational Art History". Download an abstract of this presentation here. | Hyeongjin Oh, 2018 Rose Travel Fellowship Recipiant and PhD Student, Department of Art History, University of Minnesota |
January 25, 1:30pm, 155 Nicholson Hall: "Old Novels, New Media: The Three Kingdoms as Medieval History, Ming-Dynasty Novel, and Contemporary Video Game". Download an abstract of this presentation here. | Paize Keulemans, Associate Professor, East Asian Studies, Princeton University |
December 7, 1:30pm, 113 Folwell Hall: "Black Comedy Films in Postsocialist China: Society, Culture, and the Cinematic Absurd". Download an abstract of this presentation here. | Hui Liu, PhD Candidate, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota |
November 16, 2:00pm, 113 Folwell Hall: "'In Love, You Can’t Bring on a Substitute': Locating Reality and Shadows in Palimpsestic Asia". Download an abstract of this presentation here. | Elizabeth Wijaya, UM President's Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota |
2017–18 Colloquium Series
Title | Presenter |
April 27, 1:30pm, 112 Folwell Hall: “Vulnerability and Justice beyond the Human: An Interdisciplinary Approach from South Asia”. Download an abstract of this presentation here. | Sayan Buattacharya (GWSS), Sreyashi Ray (ALL), and Elja Roy (Comm TC), University of Minnesota |
April 20, 10:30am, 113 Folwell Hall: "Animating the Posthuman Body: Biopolitics, Futurity, and the Zombie in Project Itoh". Download an abstract of this presentation here. | Baryon Posadas, Assistant Professor, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota |
April 13, 1:30pm, 112 Folwell Hall: "Gone with Rosho: What Female Gidayu Musicians in Modern Japan Could Have Brought to 'Literature'". Download an abstract of this presentation here. | Maki Isaka, Professor, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota |
March 23, 1:30pm, 112 Folwell Hall: "Beyond the Land of Palestine: Deserts, Shores, Seas". Download an abstract of this presentation here. | Joseph Farag, Assistant Professor, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota |
February 14, 4:00pm, 435 Blegen Hall: Film Screening - "Demons in Paradise (2017)" | Filmmaker Jud Ratnam and V.V. Ganeshananthan, Professor, Department of English, University of Minnesota |
December 8, 1:30pm, 112 Folwell Hall: "Snail Watchers’: Corpses, Creatures and Vulnerability in Xoru Dhemali, Bor Dhemali". Download an abstract of this presentation here. | Amit R. Baishya, Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Oklahoma |
December 1, 1:30pm, 112 Folwell Hall: "Feminist Montage: The South Korean Feminist Online Community Megalian and its Fractured Mirroring of the New Woman Phenomenon". Download an abstract of this presentation here. | Soyi Kim, 2017 Rose Travel Fellowship Recipiant and PhD Student, Department of Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature, University of Minnesota |
November 21, 1:00pm, 108 Folwell Hall: "De-Naturalizing the Anthropocene: Landscape, Animals, and Place in Post-3/11 Nuclear Disaster Documentaries". Download an abstract of this presentation here. | Hideaki Fujiki, Professor of Cinema Studies and Director of Japan-in-Asia Cultural Research Center, Nagoya University |
November 17, 1:30pm, 135 Nicholson: "Hollywood Made in China". Download an abstract of this presentation here. | Aynne Kokas, fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars and Assistant Professor of Media Studies, University of Virginia |
November 3, 1:30pm, 112 Folwell Hall: "Simplicities: A Colonial Archive (Al-Farabi, Aristotle, Benjamin, Paul)'. Download an abstract of this presentation here. | Jeffrey Sacks, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Comparative Literature and Languages, University of California, Riverside |
October 6, 3:30pm, 112 Folwell Hall: "Fear and Fiction: A Bilingual Reading with Fujino Kaori". | Fujino Kaori, Fiction Author (w/ Prof. Kendra Strand and Prof. Kendall Heitzman, University of Iowa) |
October 6, 1:30pm, 112 Folwell Hall: "Translating Contemporary Chinese Poetry: Readings and a Conversation with Christopher Lupke and Jennifer Feeley". Download an abstract of this presentation here. | Christpoher Lupke, Professor, Department of East Asian Studies, University of Alberta and Jennifer Feeley, Freelance Translator |
September 22, 1:30pm, 113 Folwell Hall: "Allegiance Performed: Waṭanīya Poetry on the Stage of the Shāʻir al-Milyūn Competition". Download an abstract of this presentation here. | Dr. Katrien Vanpee, Director of Arabic Language Instruction, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota |
2016–17 Colloquium Series
Title | Presenter |
“Modernity and Laughter: Transgressive Bodies in Comedy Films in 1950s and 60s South Korea” | Soo Hyun Lee, PhD Candidate, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota |
"Literary Bilingualism: Writing Stories in the Language of the Other in a Sino-Anglophone Context, 1930s-1970s" | Chen Wang, PhD Candidate, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota |
"Washington Irving's Mystical Orientalism" | Dr. Mohammad Sharafuddin, Visiting Professor, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota |
"World Market, Mobile Camera: The Industrial Rhetoric of the Chinese National Product Films" | Hongwei Thorn Chen, PhD candidate, Department of Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature, University of Minnesota |
"A New Understanding of Saemaul Undong: Now Hear Our Voice" | Dr. Youngmi Kim, Associate Professor, Department of Korean History, Kookmin University |
"Cinema as Exception: Railroad, Tobacco, Coal-Mining and a Contingent History of Early Korean Cinema" | Sejung Ahn, PhD Candidate, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota |
"Kimichi Battle:North Korea's Figth for Legitimacy in Our Fragrance" | Dr. Immanuel Kim, Assistant Professor, Department of Asian and Asian American Studies, Binghamton University, SUNY |
"Perforated Images in Indonesia: A Case Study of the Tricks and Politics of Crosscultural Filmmaking, Art and Research" | Dag Yngvesson, PhD candidate, Department of Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature, University of Minnesota |
2015–16 Colloquium Series
Title | Presenter |
"Magic Lantern Shows and Early Screenings in Colonial Taiwan" | Laura Jo-Han Wen, PhD candidate in the Department of East Asian Languages and Literature. University of Wisconsin–Madison |
“Genre Worlds” |
Michelle Cho, Assistant Professor, East Asian Studies & World Cinemas, McGill University
"From Science to Literature and Adabi to Nechuri: Examining the Natural and Denaturalization in Ismat Chughtai" | Emily Durham, PhD Candidate in the Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota |
“Spectral Cosmopolitics in Early Twentieth Century Bangla Horror Story”
Suvadip Sinha, Assistant Professor, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota |
“Desperately Seeking Nana Hsu: A Story with Three Beginnings” |
Joseph R. Allen, Professor, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota
“Poetry, Vyavaharam, and the Language of Political Literature” |
Sravanthi Kollu, PhD Candidate, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota
2014–15 Colloquium Series
Title | Presenter |
“Urban Love, Celluloid Illusion: An Analysis of Bombay Middle Cinema of 1970s” | Suvadip Sinha, Assistant Professor, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota |
“Approaching Kigyo/Sangyo Eiga: Contextualizing Japanese Industrial Films”
Farah Frayeh Yazawa, PhD Candidate, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota
“A Literature for Everybody?: Precursors to Telugu Marxist Discussions on Language”
Sravanthi Kollu, PhD Candidate, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota
“Silencing the Dead: Kinoshita Keisuke's 'Yotsuya kaidan' and Occupation Censorship in Japanese Cinema”
Mike Crandol, PhD Candidate, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota
“Shadows of The Student of Prague: Psychoanalysis and Visual Modernization in Japanese Doppelganger Fictions”
Baryon Posadas, Assistant Professor, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota
“Colonial Sublime: Ethics, Aesthetics and Political Economy in Early Korean Film Culture, 1897-1948” |
Sejung Ahn, PhD Candidate, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota
"Imperial Imaginaries of Japanese Science Fiction: On Oshikawa Shunrō's Kaitei Gunkan" | Baryon Posadas, Assistant Professor, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota |
"Nandan, Gender Plasticity, and the Dichotomization of 'Artistic' Femininity versus 'Natural' Masculinity from China's Republican Era to the Early PRC Years (1912-Early 1960's)" |
Guanda Wu, PhD Candidate, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota
“The Infinite Possibilities of the Past: The Consummation of History and Fiction, and the Renaissance of Korean Sagŭk” |
Saena Dozier, PhD Candidate, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota