May 2024 Newsletter

Tree with pink leaves in foreground, students walking down Northrop Mall in background

Dear Alumni and Friends,

Our spring newsletter is full of news that we’re eager to share with you. Here are some of the highlights:

  • We celebrated with our Class of 2024
  • We are launching a new bachelor of arts degree with business-economics emphasis
  • Our undergraduates traveled to Washington DC to explore careers in policy
  • Our graduate students’ placement results are in
  • Hear how we are attracting applicants to our graduate program
    A new poster conference for third-year graduate students delighted and amazed us
  • One of our alumni will receive the University of Minnesota’s Outstanding Achievement Award
  • Get updates on the Heller-Hurwicz Economics Institute
  • We’re proud of our faculty and staff awardees

Thank you for your continued interest and support of both the Department of Economics and the Heller-Hurwicz Economics Institute. If you'd like to make an unrestricted gift this year, you can give to the Economics Annual Fund or the Heller-Hurwicz Program Fund. Or you can search for your favorite named fund. Thanks to the generosity of our alumni and friends, we continuously strive to be one of the best economics programs in the world.

Wishing you a wonderful summer from Minnesota Economics! I love hearing from all of you and you can always drop me a line at


Thomas J. Holmes
Professor and Chair, Department of Economics


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