BA in Global Studies

Global studies students cultivate broad perspectives on the contemporary world. For example, you’ll learn to think of climate change not only in terms of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, but also in terms of politics, ecologies, social movements, and global inequalities. 

When you examine migration, you’ll better understand immigration laws and the analyses of human mobility trends as well as the geopolitical upheavals and food systems failures that drive these trends. 

And you’ll always keep in view the grassroots and community initiatives that address these problems on the ground since that is where people feel the impacts of problems most powerfully and where they work out creative solutions. In short, global studies is a major for students who are committed both to understanding the world and to making it a better place. 


Global studies courses traverse geography and time. Some analyze the workings of global institutions and explore the operations of the global health, food, and financial systems. Others use works of art and philosophy from around the world to expose you to cultural forms like Indigenous art and prison literature. Still others explore long-term historical trajectories, such as the growth of global communications, media, and tourism industries. 

Learning Experiences

You can also study abroad, intern, and engage deeply with on- and off-campus communities. In capstone projects, you’ll bring together what you’ve studied to define, explore, and create new visions of the world. You’ll learn both critical thinking and practice the empathy needed to construct global citizenship for the 21st century.


All learning experiences offer ample opportunities to develop communication and organizational skills that support success in future careers in many sectors including nonprofits, government, and industry, as well as graduate study in law, policy, social sciences, and the humanities.

Add an Additional Major or Minor

Many of our students choose to complement their global studies degree with a major or minor in programs such as:

  • Public health
  • Economics 
  • Geography
  • History
  • Anthropology
  • English
  • Asian & Middle Eastern studies
  • Spanish & Portuguese studies
  • French & Italian
  • German, Nordic, Slavic & Dutch
  • African American & African studies
  • Sociology
  • Political science
  • Journalism & mass communication
  • Communication studies
  • Art
  • Gender, women & sexuality studies
  •  Cultural studies & comparative literature


In order to declare your major, email a peer advisor to set up an appointment. Declaring a global studies major is a simple process, but you should make sure you are familiar with the major requirements and have at least a tentative idea about your thematic and regional concentrations before you declare.