Media Studies Workshop
Please join us for the inaugural semester of the Media Studies Workshop, a forum dedicated to ongoing research in film, media, and audio-visual cultures.
The workshop is open to all faculty and graduate students interested in the historical and theoretical study of media (understood in broad terms). Monthly sessions will be devoted to the discussion of a work in progress by members of the university community, with short presentations followed by an extended discussion period. Sessions will be held over Zoom on Fridays, from 10:00-11:30am.
Spring Schedule:
January 31 - Atilla Hallsby (Assistant Professor, Communication Studies)
February 21 - Alexander Harasymiw (PhD Candidate, Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature)
March 21 - Nina Peterson (PhD Candidate, Art History)
April 18 - Palita Chunsaengchan (Assistant Professor, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies)
Stay tuned for more information on each session, as well as a link to the relevant pre-circulated paper.
If you are interested in sharing your work at a session next year, please contact Dr. Katerina Korola ([email protected]). A general call for presenters will be distributed at the end of the year.