Human Rights Initiative Mini-Grants

HRI announces new grant opportunity
text that says call for proposals

Proposals are due  March 15, 2022


The Human Rights Initiative (HRI) is pleased to offer a new round of mini grants of up to $10,000 to support interdisciplinary projects aimed at advancing scholarly insights into human rights issues and to building capacity to defend human rights in challenging times. In addition to support for research and/or artistic production, the HRI Mini Grants also provide an opportunity to engage with the University of Minnesota Human Rights Lab. The Lab is an interdisciplinary space for faculty and researchers to investigate and model ways in which research can be used more effectively with communities, NGOs, policy makers, and non-academic institutions.

University of Minnesota College of Liberal Arts (CLA) and Humphrey School of Public Affairs (HSPA) faculty and P&A staff are invited to submit proposals. In collaborative proposals, at least one Principal Investigator (PI) must be affiliated with CLA or HSPA.

Learn more about the Human Rights Initiative, details about engaging with the Human Rights Lab, and instructions for submitting a proposal in the Call for Proposals.

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