Music Education
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Music Education
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Music Education with an Emphasis in Music Therapy
The PhD in music education and PhD with in music education with an emphasis in music therapy focuses on the preparation of music administrators, teachers, therapists, and researchers who are able to think abstractly, generalize knowledge, carry on research and apply research results to their areas of specialization, and communicate effectively both orally and in written form. Additional scholarly studies are recommended in appropriate fields in social sciences, humanities, arts, education, and health, among others.
The equivalent of 3 years of full-time clinical experience as a music therapist is required as a pre-requisite for admission to the PhD in Music Education with an Emphasis in Music Therapy.
In order to be recommended for your Minnesota k-12 instrumental and Classroom Music License or Vocal and Classroom Music License, you must successfully complete these licensure requirements mandated by the state of Minnesota.
For your PhD, you will be expected to meet the following requirements, including your post-baccalaureate study from other institutions:
- 12 credits in foundation courses in music education
- 12 credits in research and data analysis courses
- 12 credits of electives in music education
- 9 credits of any music electives
- 9 credits in your cognate, outside of the School of Music
- 9 additional electives
- Completion of written and oral preliminary exam
- Completion of thesis or final project
- Completion of final oral examination