Faculty & Graduate Student Research

Our faculty and students continue to conduct research in the areas of race and ethnicity, gender and sexuality, indigeneity, and income inequality. Included below is a listing of specific articles that pertain to these areas:

Kinsella, Helen. "Raced and gendered inequalities in the discipline of political science." International Politics.

Samuels, David; Mello, Fernando; Zucco, Cesar. "Polarization and Perceptions of Status Gain and Loss: The Case of Brazil." SSRN.

Sumner, Jane; Farris, Emily; Key, Ellen. "Understanding Variation in Start-Up Funds." The Journal of Politics.

Bose, Anuja. "Vigilance as a Practice of Postcolonial Freedom." American Political Science Review, Vol. 1-14.

Luxon, Nancy. "The Archives of Colonial Trauma: The Politics and Psychiatry in North Africa." PS: Political Science & Politics.

Ozcelik, Ezgi; Sumner, Jane. "Research Design and Personal Identity." Oxford Handbook of Engaged Methodological Pluralism in Political Science.

Zhirkov, Kirill; Lunz Trujillo, Kristin; Myers, C. Daniel. "Measuring Support for Welfare Policies: Implications for the Effects of Race and Deservingness Stereotypes." Journal of Experimental Political Science.

Hilbink, Lisa; Mejia, Claudia Escobar. "Closing Gaps in Access to Justice and Rights." Untapped Power: Leveraging Diversity and Inclusion for Conflict and Development, 445-471.

Kinsella, Helen. "Settler Empire and the United States: Francis Lieber on the Laws of War." Cambridge University Press.

Myers, C. Daniel; Zhirkov, Kirill; Lunz Trujillo, Kristin. "Who is 'On Welfare'? Validating the Use of Conjoint Experiments to Measure Stereotype Content." Political Behavior, Vol. 46.

Bose, Anuja. "The Creolized Political Thought of Frantz Fanon." Philosophy and Global Affairs, Vol 1(2).

Hilbink, Lisa & Salas, Valentina. "Advancing Human Rights Through Legal Empowerment of the Disadvantaged." Edward Elgar Publishing.

Minta, Michael. "No Longer Outsiders: Black and Latino Interest Group Advocacy on Capitol Hill." University of Chicago Press.

Samuels, David; Teele, Dawn. "New Medium, Same Story? Gender Gaps in Book Publishing." Political Science & Politics. July 2020.

Sumner, Jane; Dion, Michelle; Mitchel Sara. "Gender, seniority, and self-citation practices in political science." Scientometrics. July 2020, 1-28.

Bose, Anuja. “Frantz Fanon and the Politicization of the Third World as a Collective Subject,” Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 21, no. 5: 671-689.

Caraway, Teri; Ford, Michele; Nguyen, Oanh. “Politicizing the Minimum Wage: Wage Councils, Worker Mobilization, and Local Elections in Indonesia,” Politics & Society 47:2.

Federico, Christopher. M.; Aguilera, Rafael. “The Distinct Pattern of Relationships Between the Big Five and Racial Resentment Among White Americans.” Social Psychological & Personality Science, 10, 274-284.

Gambino, Elena. "'A More Thorough Resistance'? Coalition, Critique, and the Intersectional Promise of Queer Theory," Political Theory.

Kinsella, Helen; Sjoberg, Laura. “Family Values? Sexism and Heteronormativity in Feminist Evolutionary Analytic (FEA) Research.” Review of International Studies 45:, pp. 260-279.

Kinsella, Helen. “Sex as the Secret: Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan.” International Theory 11:1, pp. 26-47. 

Kinsella, Helen. “Feminism,” in John Baylis, Steve Smith, and Patricia Owens (eds.), The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations, pp. 189-203.

Kinsella, Helen; Shepherd, Laura. “'Well, What is the Feminist Perspective on International Affairs?': Theories/Practices.” International Affairs 95: 6, pp. 1209–1213.

Luxon, Nancy. "Gender and the Circulation of Power," in Archives of Infamy, Ed. Nancy Luxon, trans. Thomas Scott-Railton, University of Minnesota Press.

Minta, Michael. “Diversity and Minority Interest Group Advocacy in Congress.” Political Research Quarterly

Mitamura, Emily. “The Coloniality of Abridgment: Afterlives of Mass Violence in Cambodia and the US,” Third World Quarterly, Volume 40, Number 2: 389404.

Nichols, Robert. "Theft is Property! Dispossession and Critical Theory." Duke University Press.

Nimtz, August; Morales, Esteban. “The Dynamics of Racial Discrimination in Cuba, Past and Present.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics.

Samuels, David; Brown, Nadia; Horiuchi, Yusaka; Htun, Mala. “Gender Gaps in Perceptions of Political Science Journals.” PS: Political Science and Politics 53(1): 114-121].

Spindel, Jennifer. and Ralston, Robert. “Taking Social Cohesion to Task: Perceptions of Transgender Military Inclusion and Concepts of Cohesion.” Journal of Global Security Studies, 5(1): 80-96.

Sumner, Jane L.; Key, Ellen M. "You Research Like a Girl: Gendered Research Agendas and Their Implications." PS: Political Science & Politics 52, no. 4: 663-668. 

Temin, D. "'Nothing much had happened': Settler Colonialism in Hannah Arendt." European Journal of Political Theory.

Federico, Christopher M.; Appleby, J. “The Racialization of Electoral Fairness in the 2008 and 2012 United States Presidential Elections.” Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 21, 979-996.

Dahl, Adam. "Empire of the People: Settler Colonialism and the Foundations of Modern Democratic Thought." University Press of Kansas

Myers, C. Daniel; Goold, Susan Door; Danis, Marion; Abelson, Julia; Barnett, Steve; Calhoun, Karen; Campbell, Eric G.; Lahahnn, Lynette; Hammad, Adnan; Rosenbaum, Rene Perez; Kim, Hyung Myra; Salman, Cengiz; Szymecko, Lisa; Rowe, Zachary E. “Members of Minority and Underserved Communities Set Priorities for Health Research.” Milbank Quarterly.

Isoke, Zenzele. "Black Ethnography, Black(Female)Aesthetics: Archiving Black Political Life." Theory and Event: Special Issue on Black Feminism and Afro-Pessimism. Volume 21 No. 1. 2018.

Murib, Zein. “Unsettling the GLBT and Queer Coalitions in US Politics through the Lens of Queer Indigenous Critique.New Political Science, Volume 40: 165-176.

Samuels, David. "Gender & Editorial Outcomes at Comparative Political Studies.” PS: Political Science and Politics.

Smith, Brianna A.' Murib, Zein; Motta, Matthew; Callaghan, Timothy H.; and Theys, Marissa. “‘Gay’ or ‘Homosexual’? The Implications of Social Category Labels for the Structure of Mass Attitudes.” American Politics Research, Volume 46, Number 2: 336-372.

Sumner, Jane L. "The Gender Balance Assessment Tool (GBAT): A Web-Based Tool for Estimating Gender Balance in Syllabi and Bibliographies." PS: Political Science & Politics 51, no. 2: 396-400.

Sumner, Jane L.; Dion, Michelle L.; Mitchell, Sarah M. "Gendered Citation Patterns Across Political Science and Social Science Methodology Fields." Political Analysis 26, no. 3: 312-327.

Temin, David. "Custer's Sins: Vine Deloria Jr. and the Settler-Colonial Politics of Civic InclusionPolitical Theory 46.3: 357–379.

Dahl, Adam. "Black Disembodiment in the Age of Ferguson." New Political Science 39.3: 319-32.

Dahl, Adam. "The Black American Jacobins: Revolution, Radical Abolition, and the Transnational Turn." Perspectives on Politics, 15.3 : 633-646.

Kinsella, Helen; Fawaz, Ramzi; Hall, Justin. “Discovering Paradise Islands: The Politics and Pleasures of Feminist Utopias, A Conversation.” Feminist Review 116:1, pp. 1-21.

Federico, Christopher M.; Lavine, Howard G.; Luttig, Matthew D. “Supporters and Opponents of Donald Trump Respond Differently to Racial Cues: An Experimental Analysis.” Research & Politics, 4, 1-8.

Manion, Megan; Ralston, Robert; Matthews, Thandi; Allen, Ian. "Budget Analysis as a Tool to Monitor Economic and Social Rights." Journal of Human Rights Practice, 9(1), 146-158. 

Temin, David Myer; Dahl, Adam. "Narrating Historical Injustice: Political Responsibility and the Politics of Memory." Political Research Quarterly, Vol. 70(4) 905–917.

Dahl, Adam. "Nullifying Settler Democracy: William Apess and the Paradox of Settler Sovereignty." University of Chicago Press 48.2: 279–304.

Kinsella, Helen. “Gender and Human Shielding.” American Journal of International Law (AJIL Unbound) 110, pp. 296-334.

Luxon, Nancy. “Inside/Outside Clinical and Colonial Encounters.” Contemporary Political Theory 15.1: 119-138.

Nimtz, August. “Violence and/or Nonviolence in the Success of the Civil Rights Movement: The Malcolm X-Martin Luther King, Jr. Nexus.” New Political Science, Vol. 38, No. 1., pp. 1-22.