Previous Interdisciplinary Collaborative Workshop Award Winners

Full Grant Awards Fall 2020

Anticipated Award Term: 2021-23

ArTeS: Catalyzing Creative Interdependence

ArTeS is an intercollegiate initiative, emerging from CLA, that centers the arts in Art+Technology+Science collaborations at the University of Minnesota. We affirm, as our core value, systematically creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive network and exchange among people, communities, and disciplines essential to creating and realizing a transformative vision of ArTeS that supports creative interdependence. ArTeS proposes an expanded collaboration among faculty, students, staff, and community collaborators to participate in the process of co-creating a vision, prototyping participatory activities (virtual and on-campus), and generating an implementation plan that will guide us as we seek external funding for this initiative.

Team Members Affiliation
Diane Willow Department of Art
Vicente Diaz Department of American Indian Studies
Sumanth Gopinath School of Music
Daniel Keefe Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Colin McFadden Liberal Arts Technologies & Innovation Services
Jennifer Newsom School of Architecture
Virajita Singh Center for Sustainable Building Research

Refusing Disposability: Racial and Disability Justice Toward Another World

COVID-19 amplifies vulnerabilities that render disabled, Black, Indigenous, and other bodies “disposable” and “sacrificable.” Thinking alongside disability and racial justice activists, our three-year interdisciplinary workshop examines intersectional analyses, public histories, and transformative praxis as a form of counter-knowledge that contends that #NoBodyIsDisposable. We will disseminate this knowledge by creating new University of Minnesota courses and an open-access public-facing curriculum. Ultimately, we aim to further the interrogation of, and resistance to, the causes and consequences of disposability.

Team Members Affiliation
Jennifer EunJung Row Department of French & Italian
Angela Carter  UMN Disability Resource Center
Jigna Desai Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies

Program in Asian American Studies
Erin Durban Department of Anthropology
Rachel Presley Department of Writing Studies

Department of Communication Studies
Nathan Stenberg PhD candidate in the Department of Theatre Arts & Dance
Jessica Horvath Williams President's Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies

Anticipated Award Term: 2020-2023

Environmental Humanities Initiative 2.0: New Directions in Research and Outreach

The Environmental Humanities Initiative aims to catalyze research, foster pedagogical innovation, and enhance public outreach among faculty and graduate students interested in broadly humanistic approaches to environmental issues that stretch across the globe. In the coming years, we will  widen our network of affiliated faculty and graduate students, provide substantial and sustained support for graduate research, and create venues for the creation and dissemination of Environmental Humanities research as part of public humanities projects.

Team Members Affiliation
Charlotte Melin Department of German, Nordic, Slavic & Dutch
Christine Marran Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
 Dan Philippon Department of English

Queer and Trans* Ecologies: Bodies, Social Relations, and Environmental Justice in the Anthropocene

This interdisciplinary collaboration spans the arts, humanities, and sciences to explore questions in the fields of queer and trans* ecologies about new embodiments and social relations in the Anthropocene. Graduate students and faculty from underrepresented communities developed this project to provide much-needed perspectives on some of the most pressing issues of our time related to nature, the environment, global climate change, and sustainability. Over a three-year period, we will create resources for intersectional and transnational queer and trans* studies scholars, convene a reading and working group, and conduct engagement activities in environmental justice.

Team Members Affiliation
Erin Durban Department of Anthropology
Aren Aizura Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies
Merle Davis Mathews Department of Anthropology
Kate Derickson Department of Geography, Environment & Society
Kale Fajardo Department of American Studies
Rebecca Montgomery Forest Resources
Khoi Nguyen Department of American Studies
Corinne Teed Department of Art

Workshop and Pilot Investigation of Auditory Behaviors of Bald Eagles

This project brings together scholars from various fields to examine development of sound-based deterrent signals designed to reduce the mortality of bald eagles resulting from collision with wind turbines. Investigators from CLA, Raptor Center, and St Anthony Falls Laboratories have collaborated to understand eagle auditory thresholds and responses. Further scholarship is needed to understand whether auditory deterrents (warnings) or attractants could change eagle behavior around wind farms. Acoustic deterrent signals will be developed over multiple phases of behavioral response and flight response testing of bald eagles. The project will build on prior work by this research team and will pilot new testing methods in addition to offering multiple engagements with various constellations of researchers, stakeholders, and members of the public.

Team Members Affiliation
Peggy Nelson Center for Applied & Translational Sensory Science, UMN
Lori Arent Raptor Center
Jeffrey Marr St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, UMN
JoAnn McGee Animal Bioacousticians
Christopher Milliren St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, UMN
Andrew Oxenham Center for Applied & Translational Sensory Science, UMN
Julie Ponder Raptor Center
Patrick Redig Raptor Center
Edward Walsh Animal Bioacousticians
Regulatory Stakeholder Minnesota Department of Commerce
Regulatory Stakeholder U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Wind Energy Stakeholder Xcel Energy

Anticipated Award Terms: 2019-2020

Bodies that Haunt: Rethinking the Political Economy of Death

This project interrogates what cannot be contained by current framings of how bodies are trafficked in and through the Global South. The project proposes to convene an interdisciplinary, transnational group of scholars, students, and artists to rethink methodologies of apprehending the global traffic in black and brown death. How does centering questions of value and desire change how we visualize, remember, and employ the dead? With what consequence for racialized life? Drawing scholars and artists from across disciplines, this collaborative workshop, culminating in a convening and collective writing project, excavates the aesthetic and ghostly forces that shape the global political economy of death. 

Workshop: The Economic of the Sea: Race, Labor, Migration and Visual Culture, Professor Roderick A. Ferguson, Spring 2020 

Workshop: A talk by Prof. Marta Elena Savigliano, November 22, 2019 

Team Members Affiliation
Rachmi Diyah Larasati Department of Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies
Hakim Abderrezak Department of French and Italian
Sayan Bhattacharya Department of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies
Aytak Dibavar Department of Political Science, York University
Emily Mitamura Department of Political Science
Naimah Petigny Department of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies
Colin Walker Wingate Department of English, Undergraduate Student

Collaborative Writing in Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship: A Community of Practice

The goal of this learning community is to promote interdisciplinary inquiry into collaborative writing. This project will advance opportunities for scholarship and teaching and help to create bridges between intentions, objectives and achievement in collaborative writing projects. Participants will have the opportunity to work on their own projects while learning from peers, as well as engaging in practices of authentic collaboration. Our interdisciplinary group will be exposed to new strategies for collaborative writing and learn about available campus resources. The learning community is open to faculty, staff, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students at the Twin Cities campus. The learning community is a two-semester program beginning in the fall of 2019. 

Workshop: Collaborative writing in teaching, learning, and scholarship workshop, February 21, 2020 

Team Members Affiliation
Joseph Moses Department of Writing Studies
M. Daniel Emery Writing Across the Curriculum, Center for Writing
Cristina Lopez Arts & Humanities Technologies and Projects Support
Matthew Luskey Writing Across the Curriculum, Center for Writing
Thomas Wolfe Department of History

Anticipated Award Terms: 2018-2021

Democracy under Threat: Public Scholarship and Teaching

Public scholarship that bridges boundaries between the academy and the larger community is the theme that will bring together scholars from the University of Minnesota and Historically Black Colleges and Universities. The workshop will address issues concerning democracy, populism, and racial nationalism as well as crime, punishment, and human rights.

Anticipated Workshops: 

Spring 2020: “Democracy under Threat in Times of Populism and Racial Nationalism” 

Summer 2020: Online Summer Teach-Ins

Spring 2021: “Crime, Punishment, and Human Rights”

Team Members Affiliation
Malinda Lindquist Department of History
Ronald Aminzade (emeritus) Department of Sociology
Joyce Bell Department of Sociology
Rose Brewer Department of African American & African Studies
Will Jones Department of History
Enid Logan Department of Sociology
Michael Minta Department of Political Science

The Black Midwest Initiative

Formally organized in the fall of 2017, The Black Midwest Initiative is a collective committed to advocating for the lives of people of African descent as they are situated throughout the Midwest and Rust Belt regions of the United States. The Black Midwest Symposium will be our first major convening.

Team Members Affiliation
Terrion Williamson Department fo African American & African Studies
Rose Brewer Department of African American & African Studies
Kidiocus Carroll Department of American Studies
Lauren Eldridge School of Public Health
Tia-Simone Gardner Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies
Jane Henderson Department of Geography (University of California, Berkeley)
Ezekiel Joubert Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Rahsaan Mahadeo Department of Sociology
Denise Pike Heritage Studies & Public History
Thomas Seweid-DeAngelis Department of African American & African Studies
Vanessa Steele Department of African American & African Studies
Chaun Webster Poet and community organizer, Twin Cities

The Many Faces of Reproducibility

Fears of a “crisis of reproducibility” have led many to question the value of scientific research. However, reproducibility means many things. An interdisciplinary exploration of the many faces of reproducibility will illuminate how inquiry works, advance cutting-edge investigation, innovate how researchers are trained, and enhance public understanding of science.

Team Members Affiliation
Alan Love Department of Philosophy
Caitlin Bakker U of M Libraries
Nicole Basta Epidemiology and Community Health (Public Health)
Mary Butler Health Policy and Management (Public Health)
Rebecca Davies Veterinary Population Medicine (Veterinary Medicine)
Colin DeYoung Department of Psychology
Jed Elison Institute of Child Development (Education and Human Development)
Eva Enns Health Policy and Management (Public Health)
Samuel C. Fletcher Department of Philosophy
John Freeman Department of Political Science
Charles Geyer School of Statistics
Kathryn Grace Department of Geography, Environment & Society
David Greenstein Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development (Biological Sciences)
Nathaniel Helwig Department of Psychology and School of Statistics
Galin L. Jones School of Statistics
Ezekiel Joubert Curriculum and Instruction
Robert Krueger Department of Psychology
Erich Kummerfeld Institute for Health Informatics (Academic Health Center)
Georgiana May Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior (Biological Sciences)
Matt McGue Department of Psychology
Rebekah Nagler Hubbard School of Journalism & Mass Communication
Mary Porter Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development (Biological Sciences)
A. David Redish Neuroscience (Academic Health Center)
Amy Riegelman U of M Libraries
Alexander J. Rothman Department of Psychology
Franklin Sayre U of M Libraries
Eric Shook Department of Geography, Environment & Society
Emilie Snell-Rood Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior (Biological Sciences)
Steven Stovitz Family Medicine and Community Health (Academic Health Center)
Frank Symons Educational Psychology (Education & Human Development)
Valerie Tiberius Department of Philosophy
Michael Travisano Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior (Biological Sciences)
Jos Uffink Department of Philosophy
Carston Wagner Medicinal Chemistry (Pharmacy)
Niels G. Waller Department of Psychology
Rachel Widome Epidemiology and Community Health (Public Health)
Julian Wolfson Biostatistics (Public Health)
Marco Yzer Hubbard School of Journalism & Mass Communication

After Janus: Worker Centers and the Future of Labor

We occupy a critical juncture concerning the future of labor. Organized labor, since the early 1980s, has faced coordinated exercises of power that have considerably weakened its influence. The currently pending US Supreme Court case Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees is expected to further limit the power of unions. What options remain available to workers to pursue their interests?

Through a study group, a community-based meeting and forum, and blog content creation, this project will explore non-traditional forms of labor organizing in the past and present, including “worker centers” in the USA and abroad.

Event: Conversation with Labor Historian & Activist Scholar Peter Cole, October 4, 2019

Team Members Affiliation
Yuichiro Onishi Department of African American & African Studies
John Budd Work and Organizations (Carlson School)
Ruth Shaw Ecology, Evolution and Behavior (CBS)
Sumanth Gopinath School of Music
Elizabeth Hartman Department of American Studies
Vanessa Guzman Department of American Studies
Jimmy Patiño Department of Chicano & Latino Studies
Kristiana Wright Department of Communication Studies
Bruce Braun Department of Geography, Environment & Society
Vinay Gidwani Department of Geography, Environment & Society
J. B. Shank Department of History
Will Jones Department of History
Michael Goldman Department of Sociology
Timothy Lensmire Curriculum and Instruction (College of Education and Human Development)
Roozbeh Shirazi Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development (College of Education and Human Development)
Isuru Herath Community Organizer
Ginger Jentzen Community Organizer
Nazir Khan Community Organizer
Peter Rachleff East Side Freedom Library

Intersectional Food Studies: Putting the Pieces Together

Food lies at the confluence of multiple social and political systems, particularly although not exclusively systems of gender and race. And yet, it is challenging for researchers to embed food in multiple systems, and to evaluate their importance relative to each other.

This workshop brings together scholars from multiple fields with investments in “getting it right” regarding food. We will form relationships with each other and share knowledge, as well as offer local and national public events.

Event: Bryn Mawr Visiting Professor Stephen Vider, “Mission Nutrition: Queer Foodways and Coalitional Intimacy in Response to HIV/AIDS”, February 28, 2019

Team Members Affiliation
Tracey Deutsch Department of History
Lorena Munoz Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies
Martin Manalansan Department of Asian American Studies
Jigna Desai Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies
Karen Brown Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Global Change
Psyche Williams-Forson Department of American Studies, University of Maryland
Melissa Laska Epidemiology and Community Health (School of Public Health)
Traci Mann Department of Philosophy
Lisa Heldke Department of Philosophy
Craig Hedberg Environmental Health Sciences (School of Public Health)
Jennifer Breen Healthy Food, Healthy Lives Institute
Sophia Lenarz-Coy Hunger Solutions Minnesota
Valentine Cadieux Sustainability and Environmental Studies, Hamline University
Rachel Schurman Department of Sociology
Frances Bettelyeon Native American Medicine Garden
Mary Rogers Department of Horticultural Science (College of Food Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences)
Julia Grossman Department of Horticultural Science (College of Food Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences)
Sheri Breen Department of Political science
Randal Hanson Department of Geography, Environment & Society
Arshiya Sethi Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow

Reparations, Repatriation, and Redress

The workshop on reparations, repatriation, and redress brings together multiple disciplines across CLA, colleges across UMN campuses, and local communities to think through the challenges of and the possibilities for repair, atonement, return, and/or apology as potential ways to address some of the foundational wrongs of the US that have shaped longstanding institutional structures and inequalities.

In addition, we are interested in exploring whether and to what extent the rubric of “reparations” addresses the continuing inequalities experienced by indigenous communities and multiple communities of color. Using a critical and comparative approach to reparations, repatriation and redress, and engaging with local communities, we hope to catalyze thought around potential strategies to address systemic racial inequality. 

A recent outcome that was created through a partnership between The RIGS Initiative and the University of Minnesota Libraries is the Reparations Syllabus. The Reparations Syllabus is an online working syllabus that is free and available to the public. This was an important component to the Reparations, Repatriation, and Redress Symposium because we intended for the conversation to extend past the Symposium and to be widely accessible to others.

Event: Reparations, Repatriation, and Redress Symposium, November 1, 2018

Team Members Affiliation
Karen Ho Department of Anthropology
Greg Donofrio Architecture (College of Design)
Katherine Hayes Department of American Indian Studies; Department of Anthropology
Kevin Murphy Department of History
Karen Brown Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Global Change
Catherine Squires Department of Communications Studies
Samuel J. Myers Roy Wilkins Center for Human Relations and Social Justice (Humphrey School of Public Affairs)
Edward Goetz Urban and Regional Planning (Humphrey School of Public Affairs)
Rose Brewer Department of African American and African Studies
Brenda Child Department of American Studies
Tade Okediji Department of African American and African Studies; Applied Economics (College of Food Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences)
Yuichiro Onishi Department of African American and African Studies
Terrion Williamson Department of African American and African Studies
Gabriela Spears-Rico Department of Chicano & Latino Studies
Juliana Hu Pegues Department of Chicano & Latino Studies
Jean O’Brien Department of History
Josephine Lee Department of English
Jigna Desai Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies
John Matsunaga Twin Cities Japanese American Citizens League
Rashad Williams Urban and Regional Planning (Humphrey School of Public Affairs)
David Lemke Department of English

Migration and Migrants in Terrifying Times

We live in uncertain and, occasionally, terrifying times. Assumptions, myths, and misinformation about migration and migrants are routinely and increasingly manifested in daily conversations and interactions in our everyday lives.

At the same time, migration was, is, and will continue to be, an essential and vibrant part of our lived experience as individuals, communities, Minnesotans, Americans, and global citizens.

This workshop explores this tension via the theme, “Migration and Migrants in Terrifying Times.” Four semester-long reading/discussion groups and symposia modeled on the Law School’s Human Rights Lab will cover four highly relevant and timely topics will facilitate conversations and collaborations among scholars and other interested persons and parties in and outside of CLA and the University of Minnesota.

This initiative seeks to create a space where people can collectively reflect on and proactively respond to current and future events and processes that have and will have an impact on migration and migrants in the Twin Cities, Minnesota, and the rest of the country.

Event: Migration & Migrants in Terrifying Times, March 25, 2019

Team Members Affiliation
Jack DeWaard Department of Sociology
Erika Lee Department of History, Department of Asian American Studies, and Immigration History Research Center
Ryan Allen Humphrey School of Public Affairs & U of M Extension
Cawo Abdi Department of Sociology and Institute for Global Studies
Bruce Braun Department of Geography, Environment & Society
Fernando Burga Humphrey School of Public Affairs
Bianet Castellanos Department of American Studies
Linus Chan James H. Binger Center for New Americans (Law School)
Vichet Chhuon Curriculum and Instruction (College of Education and Human Development)
Giovanna Dell'Orto Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Marissa Hill-Dongre International Student and Scholar Services & U of M Immigration Response Team
Douglas Hartmann Department of Sociology
Jessica Hellmann Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior (College of Biological Sciences) & Institute on the Environment
Karen Ho Department of Anthropology & Race, Indigeneity, Gender and Sexuality Studies

Memory, Trauma, and Human Rights at the Crossroads of Art and Science

This workshop brings together team members from the University, community, and research institutions abroad to better understand the impacts of traumatic memory upon individuals and societies and to critically engage the issues of how we come to terms with and heal from trauma, seek accountability for human rights abuses that led to severe trauma, and mitigate future traumatization.

This initiative explores the long-term effects of traumatic experiences as varied as war and dictatorship, terrorist attacks and state terrorism, genocide, captivity, and sexual abuse. The workshop explores how a more interdisciplinary understanding of memory and traumatization can illuminate the pathways between artistic production and healing. A full understanding of trauma and its implications in modern society needs to address its individual and social dimensions, and place 1) therapeutic and artistic work, 2) critical cultural analysis and scientific modelling/experimentation, and 3) sociological as well as historical study and medical practice in dialogue.

This project brings together, for the first time at the University, recognized leaders in all these fields in a sustained manner that will lead to vigorous intellectual exchange and important peer-reviewed publications, curricular development that foments co-teaching across departments, community outreach, and internationalization of the University.

Event: Memory, Trauma, and Human Rights at the Crossroads of Arts and Science, October 3 &4, 2020

Team Members Affiliation
Ofelia Ferrán Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies
Brian Engdahl Neuroscience (Medical School) and Minneapolis VA Health Care System
Ana Forcinito Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies and Institute for Global Studies
Alejandro Baer Department of Sociology
Janet Dubinsky Neuroscience (Medical School)
Jan Estep Department of Art
Francisco Ferrándiz Politics of Memory, Memories of Violence at the Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid, Spain
Ana Paula Ferreira Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies 
Rosa García-Peltoniemi  Center for Torture
Patrick McNamara Department of History
Leslie Morris Department of German, Scandinavian and Dutch
EmmaLee Pallai Community University Health Care Center
Francesc Torres Artist
Bill Viestenz Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies
Elizabeth Wieling Family Social Science (College of Education and Human Development)
Gary Christenson Psychiatry (Medical School) and Boynton Health Service
Stephen Engel Department of Psychology
Mary Jo Maynes Department of History
Patricia Shannon School of Social Work (College of Education and Human Development)

Effects of Parental Incarceration on Family and Child Wellbeing: Informing Best Practices Through an Investigation of Caregiver Experiences

Incarceration rates in the United States have reached unprecedented proportions. Over two million people are incarcerated in prison, jail, on probation, or on parole. This is nearly a 500% increase over the last forty years (i.e., 1976-2016).

Over one million inmates are parents of children under 18 years of age. In other words, one in twenty-eight minors in the United States has a caregiver in jail or prison. The effects of parental incarceration are devastating and vary by developmental stage. Infants may not form an attachment bond with their parent, and as a result, develop behavioral problems. Disruption of the parent-child relationship is associated with an inability to form or maintain interpersonal relationships and cognitive impairment (i.e., attention, memory, logic and reasoning, auditory processing) in young children. Internalizing (i.e., anxiety, depression) and externalizing (i.e., conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder) problems lead to poor academic achievement in school-age children. Parental incarceration also increases the likelihood of being arrested as an adult.

The purpose of this workshop is to better understand the experiences of families with an incarcerated caregiver, and in doing so, suggest future directions for research and policy.

Team Members Affiliation(s)
Joshua Page Department of Sociology
Damir S. Utržan Pediatrics (Medical School)
Caitlin Curry Department of Sociology
Julie Matonich Children of Incarcerated Caregivers
Barbara Frey Human Rights Program (Law School)
Perry Moriearty Child Advocacy and Juvenile Justice Clinic (Law School)

Blackness and Disability Studies: Interrogating Anti-Black Racism and Disablement

This collaborative reading group and symposium explores new directions in Black disability justice. Beginning as a reading group in early 2018, our dialog will culminate in a symposium in April 2018, inviting national disability scholars and activists to converse about Black disability activism, resistance, and power.

According to the Ruderman Foundation, over half of people killed by police have a disability. Disabled people of color are seen as doubly “unruly” and threatening. Recent examples of disabled Black people being shot for not following police instructions include Charleena Lyles, shot by police in Seattle in 2017; Keith Lamont Scott, shot in Charlotte, Virginia, in 2016; Mario Woods, shot in San Francisco, California in 2015, and many more. Black disabled activists have responded to this crisis in policing with a call to acknowledge the role of ableism in state violence. The workshop Blackness and Disability Studies gathers activists and scholars working on responses to state violence against Black disabled people to converse with Critical Disability Studies Collaborative members and interested stakeholders across the University.

Team Members Affiliation(s)
Aren Aizura Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies
Jigna Desai Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies
Jennifer Pierce Department of American Studies
Patrick McNamera Department of History
Jay Wilson  Disability Resource Center
Angela Carter Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies
Nancy Herther Disability Studies
Haley Kimmet Disability Resource Center
David Perry CLA Advising

Narrative/Medicine: Personal Narrative Analysis Across the Liberal Arts and Medical Practice

This two-day Narrative/Medicine Workshop in August, 2018 will be the culmination of a longer-running research collaborative that explores the emerging field of narrative medicine, with a focus on illness narratives in particular. The summer workshop will involve local, national, and international participants who all work with personal narrative analysis from the various perspectives represented in our group – from history, the social sciences, literature, law, narrative medicine, and psychoanalysis.

Team Members Affiliations
Mary Jo Maynes Department of History
Leslie Morris Department of German, Scandinavian & Dutch
Susanna Blumenthal Law and History (Law School)
Alejandro Baer Department of Sociology
Steven Borowsky Park Nicollet
Kyle Cedermark Prairie Care
Shelley Cross Mayo Clinic 
John Davidson Mayo Clinic
Andrew Elfenbein Department of English
Jan Estep Department of Art
Ofelia Ferrán Department of Spanish & Portuguese Studies
Shirley Garner Department of English
Jennifer Gunn History of Medicine (College of Science and Engineering)
David Homans Park Nicollet
Rebecca Krinke Landscape Architecture (College of Design)
Richard D. Lentz Park Nicollet and Psychiatry (Medical School)
Gloria Burgess Levin Minnesota Psychoanalytic Institute
Scott McRae Park Nicollet
Krista Nelson Family Circle Counseling
EmmaLee Pallai Community-University Health Care Center
Jennifer Pierce Department of American Studies
Laurence Savett Medical School
Svetlana Simovic Psychiatry (Medical School) and Minnesota Psychoanalytic Society and Institute
Madelon Sprengnether Department of English
Karen-Sue Taussig Department of Anthropology
Dominique Tobbell History of Medicine (College of Science and Engineering)
Barbara Welke History and Law (Law School)

Exploring the Future of Embodied Technologies

Recent development in computing has moved devices increasingly closer to our bodies; as a result, significant work with wearables and embodied technology is well underway across the University of Minnesota. This initiative strives to develop a foundational step in connecting and leveraging scholarship and artistic practice across the Colleges of Liberal Arts, Design, Education and Human Development, and Science and Engineering as a means to explore the future of embodied technologies. As interdisciplinary scholars, and together with graduate and undergraduate student scholars, this project extends existing theory and creates new frameworks. Through emergent use cases, this ICW investigates what it means to technologize ourselves through immersive and embodied devices.

Components of the proposed Interdisciplinary Collaborative Workshop include support for bringing scholars together to experience and collaborate within multiple studio spaces; development of an event to showcase those who are exploring the intersections and juxtapositions of embodied technologies; and support for research groups to complete grant proposals for further funding. In short, the primary goal of this mini-grant is to spur development of this signature interdisciplinary area of study at the University of Minnesota.

Team Members Affiliation
Ann Hill Duin Department of Writing Studies
Diane Willow Department of Art, Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies
Lucy Dunne Department of Design, Housing & Apparel (CEHD), Wearable Reseach Collaboratory
Brad Holschuh Department of Design, Housing & Apparel (CEHD), Wearable Reseach Collaboratory
Aaron Doering Curriculum and Instruction (CEHD) and Learning Technologies Media Lab
Maki Asaka Department of Asian Languages & Literatures
Juliana Abel Department of Mechanical Engineering (College of Science and Engineering)

Sonance: Musical Performance in/of/as Cultural Research

Music scholars are increasingly adding composition and performance to their methodological toolkit. Faculty distributed across University of Minnesota’s College of Liberal Arts have taken a lead in that movement, exploring musical questions through participant observation, ethnography, experimentation, action research, and applied work. The scholars involved in this project use musical improvisation, composition, and performance in their research and are asking interrelated questions about performativity, sound, and culture. Now we seek to exchange that knowledge via a monthly symposium, performed near campus, gain new insights into performance-based research via that exchange, and use our critical mass at the University of Minnesota to lead the national conversation around engaged musical research.

Team Members Affiliation(s)
Mark Pedelty Department of Communication Studies
Scott Currie School of Music
Tim Gustafson Department of Writing Studies
Sumanth Gopinath School of Music
Matthew Sumera Department of American Studies and Office of Student Affairs
Additional faculty in the School of Music and Department of Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature  

City as Commons: Municipalism in America

The Municipalism Research Group is a workshop focusing on the topic of the “City as Commons: Municipalism in America.” Municipalism is a form of political organization that has recently gained popularity across Europe, based on assemblies of neighborhoods, practicing direct democracy, which are organized into a system of municipalities, as an alternative to the centralized state. A primary goal of the workshop is to develop collaboration among academics, activists, and artists interested in urban governance and social reproduction in the Twin Cities and to put them in conversation with colleagues across North America, Europe, and South America who are studying, or experimenting with, municipalist forms of governance. This project envisions a series of monthly meetings culminating in a conference at Minnesota in June 2018, an edited book on the topic, and further identification of external funding sources to support additional activities by the collaborative.

Team Members Affiliation
Bruce Braun Department of Geography, Environment & Society
Daniela Sandler Department of Architecture (College of Design)
Jenny Schmid Department of Art
Michael Gallope Department of Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature
George Henderson Department of Geography, Environment & Society
John Kim Macalester College
Sam Gould Beyond Repair & Red76
Diane Mullin Weisman Art Museum
Nisa Mackie Walker Art Center
Ross Elfline Carleton College
Fernando Canteli De Castro Parsons School of Design Strategies & Barcelona en Comu
Alan Moore CoLab & ABC No Rio
Charmaine Chua Oberlin College
Seth Kim-Cohen School of the Art Institute Chicago
Marc Allen Herbst Journal of Aesthetics and Protest
Ed Marszewski Lumpen Magazine and Lumpen Radio Chicago
Tana Hargest Black Market
Graduate students in the Departments of Geography, Environment & Society; Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature; Political Science, Sociology; Art; and Architecture