RHM Symposium at the University of Minnesota
We are incredibly proud to have been a part of the 6th Biennial Rhetoric of Health and Medicine (RHM) Symposium! On October 13 and 14, 2023, over 70 RHM scholars convened in the Liberal Arts Engagement Hub at the University of Minnesota to share new and exciting work on the many ways that language and other communication forms shape our understanding of health. The symposium was co-organized by Dr. Molly Kessler, Associate Professor in Writing Studies at the University of Minnesota, alongside colleagues from Toronto Metropolitan University and North Dakota State University. Dr. Kessler is an expert in the RHM field, with specialties in stigma, chronic illnesses, and embodiment. This was her second year chairing the symposium. The symposium featured numerous other Writing Studies faculty, graduate students, and alumni, including Dr. Ann Hill Duin, Professor in Writing Studies, who received the Judy Segal Top Paper Award for her work on autoethnography and lived experiences with cancer.