Joe Moses and Jason Tham Publish Collaborative Writing Book

Book cover for Collaborative Writing Playbook: An Instructor’s Guide to Designing Writing Projects for Student Teams

The collaborative writing book authored by Writing Studies instructor Joe Moses and alum Jason Tham (PhD 2019) is now available. 

Collaborative Writing Playbook: An Instructor’s Guide to Designing Writing Projects for Student Teams

The Collaborative Writing Playbook is for instructors who would assign more writing in their courses if they could create meaningful assignments that complement course goals. The Playbook is for instructors who would assign collaborative writing if they could account for individual contributions to collaboratively written content and use assessment criteria consistent with course learning objectives. Instructors can overcome the workload obstacles by identifying five learning objectives that writing and course content have in common: discipline-specific objectives for critical thinking, research, synthesis, genre/structure, and editing/peer review. By aligning writing objectives with course learning objectives, instructors can design writing projects, tasks, and peer review roles that support rather than distract from course content.

Congratulations to Joe & Jason!

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