Scholarship & Professional Development

The Department of Writing Studies hosts several scholarly and professional development events each semester. Please see News & Events for the schedule of upcoming events or contact the department at for more information.

Current Research in Writing Studies

During the academic year, graduate students and faculty share their research at the monthly Writing Studies Parlor. Presentation topics include articles being prepared for publication, trial runs for conferences, and student dissertation chapters. Faculty-led research teams also discuss dimensions of an ongoing project. Presenters then receive feedback from their colleagues to further their work

Instructor Symposiums

Our instructor symposiums are an opportunity for writing studies instructors to participate in a teaching community that supports their work as instructors. Typically, our advanced and first year writing symposiums are offered in May of each academic year. The format includes presentations and discussions by graduate instructors, professional instructors, and faculty.

Professional Development Sessions

The department hosts monthly presentations for professionals on topics such as teaching themed first-year writing courses, engaging quiet students, writing a teaching philosophy, best practices for online teaching, and working with non-native English speaking students in the classroom. The graduate programs similarly host monthly sessions to support students’ scholarly and career development.

Doing Rhetoric at the U

This past conference, organized by graduate students in the writing studies and communication studies departments, asked the question “What does it mean to ‘do rhetoric’ at the University in the 21st century?” Faculty and graduate students interested in rhetoric from all departments were invited to showcase their current research and create new pathways of collaboration across the campus. More information can be found on the Doing Rhetoric website.

Great Plains Alliance for Computers and Writing (GPACW)

The Department of Writing Studies at the University of Minnesota–Twin Cities was delighted to host the 21st Great Plains Alliance for Computers and Writing Conference on Saturday, October 21st, 2017. The conference theme explored “New Realities in Computers and Writing.”