Korean Literature, Culture, and Media

Students in Korean Literary and Cultural Studies can engage in diverse fields of research, including film studies, literature, philosophy, and interdisciplinary studies. We encourage you to develop your approaches by engaging with other faculty whose expertise includes colonial and postcolonial theory, film and media studies, gender and sexuality, critical theory, translation studies, and intellectual history. Our program emphasizes developing a strong background in the literary and cinematic cultures of colonial Korea, South Korea, and North Korea, as well as adeptness at making transnational and comparative connections that situate Korea within a global context.

  • Transnational Korean literature and intellectual history
  • Critical theory
  • Humanism and empire
  • Film and media studies
  • North Korea
  • Linguistics of South and North Korea
  • Contemporary popular culture


Visit the department's faculty page for information about current faculty members who specialize in Korean literature, culture, and media.

Resources and Activities

  • East Asian Library

    Established in 1965, the East Asian Library is among the twenty largest East Asian collections in America. The library currently holds over 160,000 volumes of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean language materials, serving the instructional and research needs of the East Asian studies program of the university and users from the Twin Cities area and the region. Subject strengths of the collection include Chinese and Japanese history, language and literature, art history, cinema and media, and law history.
  • AMES Colloquium Series

    This colloquium series presents an opportunity for scholars working on some aspect of Asian and Middle Eastern cultures to come together, share work in progress, and engage in discussions about issues of theory and methodology that have relevance across national, regional, and disciplinary boundaries.
  • CIC Korean Studies e-school