Student Organizations
If you are interested in communication studies, our department recommends participation in any of the following organizations as a great way to build professional connections, meet students with similar interests, and develop useful communication skills outside of the classroom.
Communication Studies Association
The Communication Studies Association is an undergraduate organization dedicated to helping students discover jobs/careers available to people with a love for communication.
Lambda Pi Eta
Lambda Pi Eta is the official communication studies honor society of the National Communication Association (NCA).
Minnesota Debate Team
The Minnesota Debate Team (MDT) is a nationally ranked team open to all University undergraduates, including students with little to no debate experience. MDT members primarily compete in two-person policy-style debates, which focus on a single topic of public concern each year. Participation in MDT encourages students to develop research, organizational, critical thinking, and public presentation skills.
University Forensic Speaking
The University of Minnesota Forensics Team strives to help students develop their public speaking skills and increase their engagement in research, community service, and social justice. With a strong alumnus base that includes Congress members, media personalities, and global leaders, forensics empowers its members and develops their voices.
The team competes in both individual speech events and parliamentary debates. Debate and speech topics have touched on social justice, economic interests, national politics, and international concerns. The three competition areas within a typical forensics competition are limited preparation, public address, and interpretation events.
The University of Minnesota boasts a strong history of success in forensics, with many national qualifiers and multiple national champions in the 1980s and 1990s. Students interested in participating in forensics should contact Myna Sharma at [email protected]. More information about the forensic team can be found on their Student Unions & Activities page or on their UMN Speech Team Facebook page.