Directed Study
Advanced CSCL and SCMC majors may propose a Directed Study course with faculty at the 3000 or 5000 level for up to three credits. Directed Studies allow students to work one-on-one with a faculty member to design and carry out an independent course of study. They must be built around a topic not regularly taught within the department or at the University. Directed Studies require significant independent work from a student. Interested students should contact an appropriate faculty member with a developed prospectus or syllabus well before the start of the term to ensure time to propose and design the course. If a faculty member agrees to oversee a student's directed study, the student should then e-mail the CSCL advisor at [email protected] to set up and register for the course.
Faculty in CSCL are permitted to oversee a maximum of two directed study projects each term.
All Directed Study proposals should address the following:
1. What is the subject of the Directed Study? What are the main questions it aims to answer?
2. What previous background do you have in this area of study, and why are you addressing this topic?
3. What is the proposed organization of your directed study? How often do you plan to meet with the faculty member? What kinds of work do you plan on completing? What resources will you use?
4. Is the Directed Study at the 3000 level or the 5000 level? How many credits (1-3) is it for? And why?
5. How will the project be evaluated? What will be required at minimum for an A, B, or C grade? When will the final paper or project be due?