Data Science Initiative Advisory Committee
Galin Jones
Markov Chain Monte Carlo methodology; Mathematical Statistics; Bayesian statistics; Physics, biology, and environment applications; Computational statistics
Michael Gallope
Music and Sound Studies; Philosophy and Intellectual History; Music of the African Diaspora; Cultural History and Ethnography; Global Modernisms
Melissa Polonenko
audiology; hearing loss; development; hearing aids; cochlear implants; electroencephalography (EEG); evoked potentials
Awa K. Saidy
Intercultural and cross-cultural leadership; Higher education policy - access, quality, and relevance; Institutional equity; Program and policy evaluation; Intersection of education, gender, and international development policy and practice
Tom VanHeuvelen
Stratification and Inequality; Comparative and Historical Sociology; Quantitative Methodology; Sociology of Development
Niels Waller
psychometric theory; quantitative models of individual differences; factor analysis and structural equation modeling; multivariate analysis
Diane Willow
Participatory culture; Creative inquiry and artistic expression with emerging media; Poetic interplay of nature, technology and community; interactive art; Interdisciplinary collaborations; Sound art; Community collaboration; Public art; Responsive environments; Playful explorations :: new modes, new materials, new media; Interactive, socially engaged, contemplative environments
Alvin Zhou
Computational Social Science; Audience Analytics; Strategic Communication