Most of the graduate courses are offered on the "mini" system which means that the course meets for half of the semester. Courses with discussion sections will auto-enroll students in the lecture section for the course. Workshop courses require permission to enroll in the workshop from the faculty leading the workshop.
Courses Offered in Graduate Program
View a list of the courses typically taught below. For course descriptions, please check the University's Course Catalog.
- Econ 8101-8104 Microeconomic Theory
- Econ 8105-8108 Macroeconomic Theory
- Econ 8117-8118 Noncooperative Game Theory
- Econ 8119 Cooperative Game Theory
- Econ 8181-8182 Advanced Topics in Microeconomics
- Econ 8185-8186 Advanced Topics in Macroeconomics
- Econ 8191-8192 Workshop in Mathematical Economics
- Econ 8205-8208 Applied Econometrics
- Econ 8311-8313 Economic Growth and Development
- Econ 8391-8392 Workshop in Economic Growth and Development
- Econ 8401-8403 International Trade and Payments Theory
- Econ 8491-8492 Workshop in Trade and Development
- Econ 8501-8503 Wages and Employment
- Econ 8581-8581 Advanced Topics in Labor Economics
- Econ 8601-8603 Industrial Organization and Government Regulation
- Econ 8691-8692 Workshop in Applied Microeconomics
- Econ 8701-8703 Monetary Economics
- Econ 8704-8705 Financial Economics
- Econ 8791-8792 Workshop in Macroeconomics
- Econ 8801-8803 Public Economics
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