“It’s great to have someone who can relate with those experiences and makes you feel like you're not alone.” Anushka Raychaudhuri reflects on her experiences in the Women in…
Investment in early childhood education creates measurable returns and immeasurable value to society, notes Economics alum Art Rolnick. Recently, Minnesota has invested even…
CLA student Aarohi Shah and alumna Emilia Ndely-Ogundipe spoke at the University of Minnesota's Class of 2023 Commencement, which is available to stream.
Bianca Turman, an economics and finance major, discusses how her involvement in groups and organizations has enriched her academic life. She explains that in addition to…
Emma Tierney learned about herself, the University, and what it means to belong as a communications and engagement intern in Housing and Residential Life.
Thanks to his “difficult, yet very rewarding” time as an economics major, Jacob Abramson feels prepared to succeed in his professional career and beyond.
The CLA community is dedicated to advancing environmental scholarship, increasing sustainability, and raising awareness about how to preserve our beautiful planet—on Earth Day…
Holly Kirking Loomis (BA '02, global studies and economics) is executive director of the US-Afghan Women’s Council (USAWC) and has devoted her career to foreign service.