Doctoral student Thomas May is the inaugural recipient of the Cheit Award, which provides fellowship support and research experience with a faculty mentor.
The University of Minnesota Department of Economics is delighted to announce the inaugural Anne Krueger Endowed Professor: Manuel Amador. We are especially pleased to honor…
Josh Bleichman (BA ‘22, economics) learned he was cleared to be a kidney donor in lecture. Although he’s nervous, for his recipient, he “would have done it regardless.”
"He was one of the greatest economists of the last 50 years — and I would argue one of the great economists of all time," said V.V. Chari, an economics professor at the U who…
Bright technologist and builder of bridges: Since graduation, Emilia Ndely-Ogundipe has continued to engage with her alma mater, helping to found the Black Alumni Network and…
The Department of Economics is hosting A Conference in Honor of Neil Wallace on September 23rd, 2022 to celebrate a new graduate fellowship established in Neil's name.
This past May, Professor Fahima Aziz and a dozen students went to London on a study abroad trip entitled “London: Economy, International Trade, & Brexit.”
The list includes several CLA departments: Psychology (19), Statistics (21), Communication (22), Economics (24), Sociology (27), Geography (51-75), Political Sciences (51-75)