Job Market Candidates

Minnesota Graduate Students


Job Market Candidates 2024-2025

Please find below the curriculum vitae for each of the Minnesota Economics Ph.D. students on the job market this year.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want additional information about any of our students on the market. You can reach us via e-mail at [email protected] and [email protected].

We are proud of the research contributions that our past graduates have made in Economics and expect that this year’s group will continue that tradition. We push them hard here, and they respond well, as you can see from the enclosed curricula.

We would also like to highlight our students' teaching experience. Minnesota students are typically supported by teaching assistantships that give them full responsibility for selected undergraduate courses. Each curriculum vitae lists the courses that the student has taught. Our Director of Undergraduate Studies, Dr. Ayca Ozdogan Atabay, can give additional information about each student’s teaching performance. She can be reached by e-mail at [email protected].

2024 UMN Economics CV Packet
Job Market Paper
Akil, Halil Macroeconomics,
Public Economics, Labor
“Remote Work: Implications for Optimal Income Taxation” Professor Kjetil Storesletten, Professor Anmol Bhandari, and Dr. Simran Sahi
Amol, Amol Macroeconomics, Public
Finance, Monetary Economics
“Ramsey taxation with endogenous financial frictions” Professor V. V. Chari, Professor Erzo Luttmer, Professor Christopher Phelan and Dr. Juan Pablo Nicolini
Barbosa-Alves, Mauricio International
Economics, Macroeconomics, Environmental
“Climate Change, Food Prices, and Inequality” Professor Manuel Amador, Professor Timothy Kehoe, Dr. Doireann Fitzgerald, and Dr. Javier Bianchi.
Belchior, Daniel Macroeconomics, Optimal
Fiscal Policy, Economics of
Fertility, International
“Income Taxation over the Business Cycle with Wage Rigidities” Professor V. V. Chari, Professor Larry E. Jones, Professor Christopher Phelan, and Dr. Fahima Aziz
Cunningham, Evan R. Labor Economics, Urban
Economics, Public Finance,
Public Policy
"Local Labor Market Effects of Amazon" Professor Jeremy Lise, Dr. Anusha Nath, and Professor Morris Kleiner
Devoto, Gabriel Macroeconomics, Monetary
Economics, International
“Aggregate Capital and Informality in High Inflation Economies” Professor Timothy Kehoe, Professor Manuel Amador, and Dr. Juan Pablo Nicolini
Diaz de Leon, Rene Macroeconomics, Labor
Economics, Development
“Minimum Wage, Informality and Efficiency” Professor Loukas Karabarbounis, Professor Kyle Herkenhoff, and Professor Kjetil Storesletten
Gribbin, Katerina Labor Economics “It's Always Sunny in Ontario: The Effects of Wage Disclosure on Wages” Professor Kjetil Storesletten, Professor Anmol Bhandari, and Dr. Todd Schoellman
Hasenzagl, Thomas Macroeconomics, Econometrics “Scaling Up: How Technology and Policy Shape Firm Size” Professor Ellen McGrattan, Professor Kyle Herkenhoff, Professor Loukas Karabarbounis, and Dr. Michael Waugh
Pawelczak, Jakub M. Macroeconomics “Flipping Houses in a Decentralized Market” Professor Christopher Phelan, Professor V. V. Chari, Professor Larry E. Jones and Professor Jan Werner
Stanek, Leo Finance, IO “Who Wins and Who Loses when Firms Stay Private Longer?” Professor Thomas J. Holmes, Associate Professor Erik Loualiche, Professor Amil Petrin, and Professor Murray Z. Frank