Undergraduate Minor in Geographic Information Science

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Geographic information science (GIS) minors develop an in-depth understanding of spatial analysis and the art of digital map-making that complements discipline-specific knowledge. GIS has become a key approach to an increasingly large number of endeavors, from land-use planning and environmental management to epidemiology through law enforcement. It relies on geospatial technologies and research that include internet mapping, in-vehicle navigation systems, digital cartography, imagery taken by airplanes and satellites, spatial analysis and modeling of social and natural processes, and visualization and data mining of complex information. This minor will improve your marketability and open up opportunities for intellectual and professional development.

Courses and Requirements

New GIS minor requirements will become available in Fall 2018. Students who declared the minor prior to this may use the new minor requirements, or continue to complete the requirements reflected in their current APAS. Students should consult their APAS reports immediately after registration to determine if their APAS is congruent with expectations, and MUST request an APAS update within 1 week of registering for the class to guarantee minor credit. Contact your minor advisor with questions.

Declare Your Minor

General Instructions (except CFANS students)

To declare your GIS minor, download and fill out the GIS minor declaration form. Bring your completed form to GES Drop-In Advising; the geography advisor who will help you declare. Completed forms may also be turned in via the GES advisor’s mailbox in 414 Social Sciences; ask for a recyclable envelope & email [email protected] to inform us that your declaration form has been submitted. To petition a class for GIS minor credit, complete a GIS minor course petition form and submit by email or as above; a full class syllabus is required for petitions (6-8 weeks to process).

GIS minor declaration & planning form

CFANS Student Declaration Instructions

CFANS students can declare the minor through CFANS by submitting this form