We offer a Bachelor of Science BS and a Bachelor of Arts BA in geography, and both degrees have a solid foundation in the theories and practice of geography. The BS offers a greater emphasis on quantitative analysis while the BA focuses more on qualitative analysis, but you can tailor your program to meet your needs and goals. We also offer a geography minor.
Our geography program focuses on the integrated study of our globalizing world, as made by human and non-human forces alike. Geography scholarship embraces and synthesizes approaches widely used in the humanities and social, biophysical, and information sciences. It is uniquely capable to study combinations of social, political, economic, and ecological processes—especially the role of space, place, and geographic networks in shaping these processes and their interactions. Geography attempts to interpret not just these phenomena, but also, in many instances, how they are perceived and what meanings they hold. Such an integrative perspective on global, regional, and local change provides students with a singular understanding of today's complex world. Geographers prize the world's diversity and offer insight into many of the most pressing challenges of the day, from climate change and social-environmental justice, to the uneven effects of globalization and urban transformation, to the skillful and responsible use of geographic information.
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Depending on their specific interests, geographers will employ one or more of a variety of research techniques, including field observation, legal and archival analysis, participant observation, interviewing, textual analysis, ethnography, mapping, and spatial statistics and modeling. Many geographers are interested in the intersections of science, technology, and information, such as the impact of geographic information science on decision-making. Many of our students have also completed complementary major/minor programs.
Check out some of our students
Marco Garcia - Class of 2017