Lectures & Exhibits
Medieval Studies at the University of Minnesota organizes and hosts several talks by leading scholars in the field(s) of Medieval Studies. These scholars are not only brought in from prestigious universities in the US and abroad, but also feature local scholars at the U and from the local world-class universities we all benefit from right here in Minnesota, including Carleton, Macalester, and the UMN campuses. Talks are open to the public and advertised to the faculty and students at the U and other universities in Minnesota who can benefit from the opportunity to interact with these scholars, both formally in the question and comments associated with their lecture and informally in the receptions that follow the lectures. In addition, visiting scholars often participate in classes at UMN, giving students access to world-renowned experts as part of their learning experience.
Over the years Medieval Studies has hosted hundreds of scholars. A small sampling includes: Keith Busby, Richard Rouse; Paul Strohm ('92); Derek Pearsell ('91); Mary Carruthers ('93); Sarah Kay ('93); Jane Burns ('93); Kevin Brownlee ('94); Steven Kruger ('94); Jonathan Bloom ('94); Michael Camille ('95); Peggy McCracken ('03); Melanie Holcomb ('05); Karla Malette ('05); Remie Constable ('05) Caroline Walker Bynum ('08); David Wasserstein ('09); Norman Golb ('07); Irfan Shahid ('07); Hava Tirosh-Samuelson ('07); Steven Justice ('09), David Nirenberg ('10) Paul Cobb ('10); Geraldine Heng ('12); Claire Sponsler ('13); Elaine Treharne ('13); Samer Ali ('14); Patrick Geary ('15); Sarah Pearce ('16); David Wacks ('17); Carol Symes ('18); Mikael Males ('19).
Look for a sample lecture (Oliver Nicholson, "The Deaths of the Persecutors and the Anger of God: Lactantius and the Great Persecution," Spring 2016) on our YouTube channel.
The James Ford Bell Library frequently features exhibits on topics involving the Middle Ages, and this includes their current exhibit, Rapunzel, Peanuts, and Thousand Year Eggs: Global Premodern Food Cultures and their Legacies running through January 31, 2020.