Real-World Experience

Performance students work with their studio faculty members through lessons, competitions, and recitals to prepare for taking professional auditions.
Gig Board listings of Volunteer & Job Opportunities
The School of Music maintains an active gig board of music internships, job opportunities, and requests for performances for the music student and alumni community. Most opportunities provide payment or stipend.
Sectionals with the Minnesota Orchestra
The Pennock Family Fund provides the top wind and orchestral ensembles support for annual sectionals and side-by-side rehearsals with the Minnesota Orchestra. Additionally, ensemble directors often arrange professional experiences for School of Music students through partnerships with professional presenting organizations such as the Joffrey Ballet, the Minnesota Chorale, and VocalEssence, among others.
Music Therapy Clinic
Under guidance from the music therapy faculty, music therapy students conduct research and practice in the on-campus music therapy clinic which regularly serves patients from the community.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program
Many music majors have taken advantage of the University of Minnesota's Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, which funds students who produce new knowledge and creative work in partnership with the U of M's world-class faculty. Previously funded music UROP projects include:
- Herbrand, M. & Silverman, M.J. (2018) Measuring the immediate impact of music therapy through fatigue, energy, and pain in adult oncology patients. Funded undergraduate research project ($1500).
- Koslowski, M. & Silverman, M.J. (2018) Effects of patient-preferred live music on positive and negative affect and pain with patients on a surgical oncology unit: A randomized effectiveness study. Funded undergraduate research project ($1500).
- Reilly, S., & Silverman, M.J. (2017). Establishing working alliance with diverse vultures: A qualitative investigation of music therapists practicing in public schools. Funded undergraduate research project ($1500).
- Bergh, O., & Silverman, M.J. (2016). Effects of music therapy in the form of patient preferred live music on mood and pain in solid organ transplant patients. Funded undergraduate research project ($1500).
- Nesmith, C., & Silverman, M. J. (2015). Established psychosocial treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder and applications to music therapy. Funded undergraduate research project ($1400).
- Little, A., & Silverman, M. J. (2014). Music therapy in the Deaf community: A literature review and music therapy interventions. Funded undergraduate research project ($1400).
- Childs, E., & Grayson, D. (2013). String Quartet in E-Minor, Op. 121: The Dichotomy of Innovation and Tradition Within Gabriel Faure's 'Swan Song'.
- Yu, J., & Silverman, M. J. (2013). Dalcroze Eurhythmics-Based music therapy with older adults. Funded undergraduate research project ($1550).
- Mason, G., & Silverman, M. J. (2012). Effects of music therapy on mood and fatigue in patients on a surgical oncology unit: A randomized and controlled trial. Funded undergraduate research project ($1700).
- Anderson, D., & Silverman, M. J. (2010). Effects of music therapy on fatigue on hospitalized patients recovering from a bone marrow transplant. Funded undergraduate research project ($600).
- Crawford, I., & Silverman, M. J. (2010). Effects of music therapy on stress, relaxation, and mood of organ transplant patients and their caregivers. Funded undergraduate research project ($1700).
- Chaput, J., & Silverman, M. J. (2009-2010). The effect of music therapy sessions on relaxation, anxiety, nausea, and pain in hospitalized patients and their caregivers on the surgical oncology unit. Funded undergraduate research project ($1700).
- Madson, A., Huntsinger, M., & Silverman, M. J. (2008-2009). The effect of music therapy on quality of life in organ transplant patients and their caregivers. Funded undergraduate research project ($1700).
- Trowbridge, A., & Silverman, M. J. (2007-2008). The effect of music therapy on pain, anxiety, nausea, and relaxation in patients who recently underwent organ transplant. Funded undergraduate research project ($1700).