
Meet With Our Advisor!

Tammy Newcomb

Students wishing to declare a major in Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature or Studies in Cinema and Media Culture can begin the process by making an appointment with the undergraduate advisor. They will look over previous and transfer coursework and guide students through the process of declaration.

Our advisor is also able to answer questions about:​

  • Course selection
  • Academic interests and long-term goals
  • Directed study
  • Petitions to use coursework from other departments
  • Extracurricular learning and engagement
  • University policies and procedures
  • Learning abroad
  • Campus support resources
  • Student transfer work fulfilling major/minor requirements

Declare a Minor

Students wishing to declare a minor in CSCL or SCMC may email a request to the CSCL advisor after successful completion of one minor course. This does not require an appointment, but you may make one.

Learn more about our minor programs: