One of the Department of Political Science's greatest strengths is its thriving intellectual community. We host several different colloquia focusing on a variety of topics: international relations, comparative politics, political theory, political methodology, public policy, political psychology, and power, equity, and diversity. In these workshops, graduate students and faculty from around the University can share and gain valuable feedback on works in progress. Furthermore, nationally and internationally renowned visiting scholars often present their work at these same workshops.
The American Politics Colloquium provides a venue for presentations of new and innovative work relating to political institutions, public policies, and mass political behavior in American politics. The colloquium hosts several top scholars in the field throughout the year to present their latest work. In addition, the colloquium serves as a forum for Minnesota graduate students to present their on-going work and engage in substantive and methodological conversations pertaining to their work and current issues in American politics.
During fall 2024, APC will meet on select Fridays from 12:00-1:30pm, in 1314 Social Sciences Building
Faculty Advisor: Kathryn Pearson
Student Organizers: Sarah Beck, Nicolas Campos, Taylor Hvidsten
The Comparative Politics Colloquium is a forum for conversations about innovative approaches to the study of comparative politics. Each semester, we select several top scholars from a range of disciplines to invite to speak. We also provide a valuable forum for graduate students from within the department to present their work.
During fall 2024, CPC will meet on select Mondays from 2:20-3:50pm, in 1314 Social Sciences Building.
General Inquiries: [email protected]
Faculty Advisor: Lisa Hilbink
Student Organizers: Larissa Beckman, Yinguang Zhao
Minnesota International Relations Colloquium (MIRC) is a series of informal seminars and presentations organized by University of Minnesota graduate students of International Relations. Since 1997, MIRC has served as an on-going forum for Minnesota students and faculty, and guests from other colleges and universities, to participate in academically informed and politically engaged conversations about theoretical and practical issues pertaining to international and global politics.
During fall 2024, MIRC will meet on select Mondays from 2:20-3:50pm, in 1314 Social Sciences Building.
Faculty Advisor: Mark Bell
Student Organizers: Nina Kaushikkar, Renata Rogrigues Marques
The goal of the Political Methodology Colloquium is to provide a venue for the discussion of methodologically informed political science research. Each semester we invite a number of top scholars and graduate students from the University of Minnesota and the outside scholarly community to present on research topics related to either (1) political and social science methodology or (2) the application of these methods to questions of interest to political science at large.
During fall 2024, MPMC will meet on select Fridays from 12:00-1:30pm, in 1314 Social Sciences Building.
General Inquiries: [email protected]
Faculty Advisor: James Hollyer
Student Organizers: Sarah Beck, Nicolas Campos, Taylor Hvidsten
The Power, Equity, and Diversity (PED) Colloquium is held in the spring semester of every other academic year. It is a curated forum for moderated conversations about power, equity, and diversity. Our objective is to workshop ideas on these topics as they relate to the study of politics, and thus to foster meaningful and cutting-edge research in political science and beyond.
Each session promises to feature select University of Minnesota faculty from across subfields in the Department of Political Science in conversation with faculty from other social science and humanities disciplines on our campus and/or guests from other institutions. Sessions will be organized around a specific problem and a set of guiding questions. Possible topics for the upcoming spring 2024 colloquium include: approaches to comparison across the social science and humanities; policing and higher education; war, women, and memory; and the environment and the state.
PED will not be meeting during fall 2024.
Faculty Organizer: Arash Davari
Every year, graduate students in the Department of Political Science at the University of Minnesota put together a schedule of academic sessions relevant to political theory, in the form of paper presentations, roundtable discussions, and reading groups. Presenters are graduate students, department faculty, faculty from other cognate departments at the university, other local college faculty (Carleton, Macalester, St. Olaf, etc.), and the occasional out-of-town guest. Past guests have included Charles Mills (CUNY Graduate Center), Linda Zerilli (UChicago), Ernesto Laclau (Northwestern), Amitai Etzioni (George Washington), Wendy Brown (UC Berkeley), Bonnie Honig (Brown), and Nicholas Xenos (UMass Amherst).
During fall 2024, PTC will be meeting on select Fridays from 1:30-3:00pm, in 1314 Social Sciences.
General Inquiries: [email protected]
Faculty Advisor: Anuja Bose
Student Organizers: Katelyn Shepardson, Allison Cohen
Fall 2024 Schedule
Date | Event |
9/9 | MIRC: Introductory/welcome meeting |
9/13 | MPMC: Professor Aaron Kaufman, New York University Abu Dhabi: Work related to "Are Firms Gerrymandered?" |
9/16 | CPC: Inauguration/welcomes/business meeting |
9/23 | MIRC: Professor Helen Kinsella, University of Minnesota |
9/27 | APC/MPMC: Emily Kurtz: Practice job talk PTC: Reading session, Professor Wendy Brown" "Politics Out of History." |
9/30 | CPC: Professor David Samuels, University of Minnesota: "Polarization and Perceptions of Gain and Loss: The Case of Brazil." |
10/4 | MPMC: Professor Jane Sumner, University of Minnesota and Professor Ellen Key, Appalachian State University: From Essential Services to Essential Oils: How Welfare State Failures Enable MLMs and MLMs Dismantle the Welfare State." |
10/7 | MIRC: Swati Srivastava, Purdue University |
10/11 | APC: Professor Colin Provost, University College London PTC: Professor Arash Davari, University of Minnesota: "The Existence of Non-Existence: Insurgent Politics in Revolutionary Iran." |
10/14 | CPC: Professor Josef Woldense, University of Minnesota: "The Double-Edged Sword of Power-Sharing in Autocracies: The EPRDF's Single Party Rule in Ethiopia." |
10/21 | MIRC: Megan Manion |
10/25 | APC: Professor Paul Goren, University of Minnesota: "Race Coding and White Opposition to Welfare: A Second Look." |
10/28 | CPC: Liu Peng: "Fieldwork in Post-Soviet Countries" |
11/4 | MIRC: Andy Noland and Drew Hogan; Jong Hyun (Jake) Lee; TBD |
11/8 | APC: Professor Howard Lavine, University of Minnesota PTC: Professor Rothin Datta, Macalester College: "To Rousseau-ize Marx: Foucault, Domination and the Juridical Theory of Power." |
11/11 | CPC with CWGPP: Professor Priscilla Lambert, Western Michigan University and Professor Druscilla Scribner, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh: "Gender, Constitutions and Equality: A Global Comparison." Adjusted time & location: 2:30-4:00pm, Humphrey Conference Center. |
11/18 | CPC: Professor Lisa Hilbink, University of Minnesota: "Judicial Populism." |
11/22 | PTC: Professor Anuja Bose, University of Minnesota, "The Delinked Regionalism of Walter Rodney and Samir Amin." |
11/25 | CPC: Adam Lê: "Fieldwork as Photography." MIRC: Possible shared session with APC/MPMC |
12/2 | CPC: Professor Huan Gao, Carleton College |
12/9 | MIRC: Board game/final semester meeting |