Partnerships That Matter

Internships to Practica

Our students contribute, learn, and make a difference through internships to practica.

Undergraduate Internship Course

Our undergraduate internship course facilitates career-related experiences for students at various sites. Sample of recent sites:

For more information, contact Mike Houlahan (

Graduate Practicums and Internships

Graduate students in our Clinical and Counseling Psychology PhD programs complete practica at Twin Cities community organizations as part of their clinical training. In their final year, students undertake a full-time internship facilitated by APPIC, offering competitive nationwide placements in health service psychology. Notable practica partners include:

Visit the area webpages for additional details on Clinical and Counseling Psychology practica training.

Classroom Partners Initiative

Classroom Partners, led by the principals at St. Paul Public Schools (Area E), fosters meaningful interactions between University of Minnesota volunteers and middle and high school students. For more information, contact Cheryl Olman (

Research Lab Connections

The Center for Applied & Translational Sensory Science (CATSS) partners with Abitan Senior Living Facility.

Uplifting Programs Across Campus

Community Outreach Retention and Engagement Program (CORE)The CORE program is dedicated to enhancing access to the University of Minnesota and higher education in our local community.

Growing BrainsEngage in hour-long presentations at local schools and youth events, emphasizing each youth's agency in steering their own brain development.

Young ScientistsGraduate students establish year-long partnerships with middle school students, supporting independent inquiry projects and presenting research results at a spring conference.

Center for Applied and Translational Sensory Sciences (CATSS)Empowering students, staff, and faculty to translate their research into real-world impact.