
Name Contact Interests
Ajayi, Alex
Assistant Professor
N563 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Counseling psychology
Health and well-being
Stress and trauma
Diversity science
Identity development
Interventions to reduce disparities in health and education.
Samantha Anders
[email protected]  
Eugene Borgida
Professor of Psychology and Law, Morse-Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor
N387 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Social cognition, attitudes and persuasion, psychology and law, political psychology
Juan Del Toro
Assistant Professor
S351 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Applied developmental science, ethnic/racial disparities, the achievement gap, the mental/physical health paradox, policing and the criminal justice system, longitudinal social survey methods, behavioral genetics
Colin DeYoung
Professor, Area Director for Personality, Individual Differences, and Behavior Genetics
N422 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Personality structure, neurobiology of personality traits, cognitive abilities, the risk for mental illness.
Stephen Engel
S249 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Cognitive neuroscience of human vision, combining functional MRI and behavioral data: perceptual learning, visual adaptation, color vision
Melissa Ertl
Assistant Professor
N565 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Counseling psychology, health disparities, prevention and health promotion, substance misuse, sexual health
Christopher Federico
Professor of Psychology and Political Science
N385 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Political psychology; intergroup relations and racial attitudes; the psychology of legitimacy; political expertise
Charles R. (Randy) Fletcher
Associate Professor, Associate Chair, Morse-Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor
S255 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Cognitive and biological, cognition, text comprehension
Kurt Fraser
Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Behavioral and systems neuroscience, contextual control, motivation, reward, dopamine, acetylcholine
Patricia A. Frazier
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Morse-Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor, Director of Graduate Studies, Co-Area Director for Counseling Psychology
N571 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Counseling and social, coping with traumatic life events; PTSD and post-traumatic growth; perceptions of control over traumatic events
Nicola Grissom
Associate Professor
N249 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Learning and memory, neurobiology of motivated behavior, autism models, outcome prediction, motivation, goal-directed learning, sex differences
Nathaniel Helwig
Associate Professor of Psychology and Statistics, Co-Area Director for Quantitative and Psychometric Methods
N650 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Computational statistics, smoothing splines, semiparametric regression, multimode/tensor analysis, neuroimaging, psychometrics
Drexler James
Assistant Professor
S355 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Racism and health, psychological essentialism: biological racial essentialism, social and psychological determinants of health, internalized stigma (racism, heterosexism), health disparities and health equity
Daniel J. Kersten
S212 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Cognitive neuroscience, human vision, computational vision, neural networks, neuroimaging
Bonnie Klimes-Dougan
N412 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Developmental and neuroscience approaches to identifying disruptions in stress/emotion regulatory processes that precede, accompany and are a consequence of depression and suicidal behavior
Wilma Koutstaal
S247 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Thinking, memory, and mental agility; cognitive neuroscience; neuropsychology; aging
Robert Krueger
Distinguished McKnight University Professor
N414 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Classification and etiology of psychopathology and substance use disorders, personality disorders, personality psychology, quantitative and molecular genetics, quantitative models of individual differences
Nathan Kuncel
Marvin D. Dunnette Distinguished Chair in I-O Psychology
N464 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Structure and prediction of performance in academic and work settings
Richard Landers
John P. Campbell Professor of Industrial-Organizational Psychology
N478 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Novel technologies as they are and can be used in employee selection, employee training, and methodology (including both psychometric measurement and methods from data science).
James Lee
Associate Professor
N409 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Mental abilities, individual differences, behavioral genetics, human evolution
Richard M. Lee
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Co-Area Director for Counseling Psychology
N556 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Counseling psychology; cultural and ethnic minority psychology; international adoption
Vanessa Lee 
Distinguished McKnight University Professor
N240 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Cognitive neuroscience of attention, memory, and perception.
Gordon Legge
Distinguished Mcknight University Professor,
Distinguished Teaching Professor
N257 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Cognitive and biological, human visual perception, cognitive science
Shmuel Lissek
Associate Professor
N416 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
The neurobiology and psychophysiology of human anxiety, classical and operant conditioning markers of clinical anxiety, generalization of conditioned fear, the neural antecedents of avoidance and other fear-related decisions
Monica Luciana
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Distinguished University Teaching Professor
N419 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Neurochemical (dopaminergic and serotonergic) modulation of functions of the human prefrontal cortex; neurodevelopment of executive functions in adolescence using behavioral, molecular genetic and neuroimaging techniques
Angus MacDonald, III
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Area Director for Clinical Science and Psychopathology Research
N426 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Basic cognitive and affective neuroscience using fMRI, the neural and genetic bases of schizophrenia and other mental illnesses, and the psychometrics of measuring group differences
Traci Mann
S357 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Health behavior change, particularly in the context of eating, dieting, and obesity; self-control; stress and eating; predictors of eating in everyday life
Katerina Marcoulides
Associate Professor
N658 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Data mining, longitudinal growth modeling, multilevel modeling, data fusion, structural equation modeling, item response theory
Matthew McGue
Regents Professor
N241a Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Behavior genetics, individual differences, quantitative psychology, aging, substance abuse
Liza Meredith
Assistant Teaching Professor
S245 Elliott Hall
[email protected] 
College student mental health, academic interventions for improving mental health and performance, romantic relationships and social support, stress and trauma
Caprice Niccoli-Waller
Assistant Teaching Professor
N243 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Health psychology, stress, hormones, and biopsychology
Penny Nichol
Assistant Teaching Professor
N382 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Cheryl Olman
Morse-Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor, Area Director for Cognitive and Brain Science
N264 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Biological basis of functional magnetic resonance imaging; modulation of low-level visual responses by scene perception
Deniz Ones
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Distinguished University Teaching Professor, Hellervik Professor of Industrial Psychology, Area Director for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
N472 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Employee staffing, personality assessment, and research, measurement of individual differences at work, counterproductive work behaviors, psychometric meta-analysis, cognitive abilities, cross-cultural research, employees and environmental sustainability (green behaviors), use of wearable technologies to measure work-relevant variables.
Andrew J. Oxenham
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Associate Chair, and Interim Department Chair
N258 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Auditory perception and cognition; computational models of hearing; hearing impairment and cochlear implants
Whitney Ringwald
Assistant Professor
Starke Hathaway Endowed Chair in Clinical Psychology 
N424 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Psychopathology, personality, ambulatory assessment, measurement
Alexander J. Rothman
Distinguished University Teaching Professor
N321 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Message framing, initiation and maintenance of behavior change, interventions to promote healthy behavior, health judgment and decision making, health behavior theory, relationships and human behavior, environmental behavior change, research methodology
Paul Sackett
Richard Fink Distinguished Professor
N475 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Personnel decision making, job performance, counterproductive behavior in the workplace, managerial potential
Aaron Schmidt
Associate Professor
N486 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Employee motivation and self-regulation, including goal prioritization and time allocation, responses to actual and anticipated success, and applications of self-regulatory theory to individual and team training
Paul Schrater
Professor of Psychology and Computer Science
S211 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Statistical pattern recognition, human and computer vision, multi-modal sensory integration and motor control
Jeffry A. Simpson
Distinguished University Teaching Professor, Department Chair (on leave spring 2025)
S354 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Social, interpersonal relationships, attachment, evolution and social behavior, personality and social behavior, social influence
Mark Snyder
Professor, McKnight Presidential Chair in Psychology
N367 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Personality and social behavior; self and identity; altruism and pro-social behavior; social perception and interpersonal behavior; social influence and attitude change; motivational foundations of individual and collective action
Mark Stellmack
Assistant Teaching Professor
S105 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Auditory perception; binaural and spatial hearing; teaching and assessment of student writing
Moin Syed
Professor, McKnight Presidential Chair in Psychology
S348 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Meta-science; history of psychology; methodology; theory development; racial/ethnic minority psychology; identity and personality development; narrative psychology
Iris Vilares
Assistant Professor
S251 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Cognitive neuroscience, sensorimotor decision-making, social
decision-making, neuroeconomics, computational psychiatry
Scott Vrieze
N438 Elliott Hall
[email protected] 
Clinical psychology, behavioral and statistical genetics, addiction and drug abuse, developmental psychopathology, wireless sensors as behavioral proxies, measurement, bioinformatics.
Niels Waller
N657 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Quantitative models of individual differences, psychometrics, factor analysis, taxometrics, item response theory
David J. Weiss
Professor, Co-Area Director for Quantitative and Psychometric Methods
N660 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Psychometric methods, counseling, computerized adaptive testing, latent trait measurement theory
Amanda Woodward
Assistant Teaching Professor
S246 Elliott Hall
[email protected]
Early social cognition, social exclusion, social evaluations, face processing, scholarship of teaching and learning