Psych Scoop, 8/6/19

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August 6th, 2019

The Psych Scoop is sent to all Psychology Undergraduate students and alumni every Tuesday throughout the academic school year. 

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1. *Credit or Volunteer* ADAPT Projects Coding Positions

Undergraduates are invited to apply for a research internship with the ADAPT projects, which study the impact of interventions to support families after military deployments. We are looking for responsible undergraduates in the social sciences or with related experience for our behavioral coding team. Coders are an important part of our research team. Coders watch videos of family members interacting and rate the behaviors according to our coding manual. Coders learn about healthy family interactions from evidence-based practices, which supports professional development toward research and direct service career goals. Coders must have reliable access to the internet in a private space (ability to watch videos where others can’t see or hear), and ability to come to reliability meetings at our office in Minneapolis weekly to 2x per month. Due to our investment in skill development for coders, we require that coders intern with us for at least two consecutive terms (fall, spring, summer). Coders need verbal skills, the ability to accept constructive feedback, and time management skills. The weekly time commitment is generally between 3-7 hours per week (not including training weeks). The internship is unpaid, however, many coders opt to obtain research credit for their coding experience with Dr. Abigail Gewirtz, the Principle Investigator for the ADAPT projects. In-Person Training Dates: Sept 20, 21, 27, 28 (2 intensive weekends). Please contact Coding Manager Kadie Ausherbauer at with questions or submit your application: Submit resume, cover letter, and transcript (unofficial is fine).

2. *Credit* Research Lab in Psychology

A laboratory at the Minneapolis VA Health Care System is conducting a randomized clinical trial to examine the efficacy of a psychotherapy intervention in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder. There is an opportunity for 2 undergraduate students to become involved with this project as a Research Lab in Psychology experience. The students will learn about the assessment of trauma and evidence-based approaches to treatment to reduce symptoms and improve functioning. Students will work as a part of a research team lead by a psychologist and will be involved with study recruitment activities, participant medical, psychiatric, and cognitive screening, preparation of study materials, scoring measures, and entering data. As part of the research experience, students will attend a weekly lab meeting in which topics related to the project are discussed. In addition, students will write an APA-style paper on a related topic. All research activities are conducted at the VA Health Care System. Students must be able to commute to the VA. Students will be asked to register for research credit and to commit an average of 10 hours each week. Students must become volunteers at the hospital to participate in this experience. Volunteers are required to be U.S. Citizens. For more information, please send a resume to Tasha Nienow, Ph.D. at

3. *Credit or Volunteer* Social Interactions Lab

Dr. Jeff Simpson’s Social Interactions Lab is seeking enthusiastic, conscientious, and detail-oriented students for a wide variety of projects this Fall. We will be hiring research assistants (RAs) for projects about romantic relationships, parenting, health, and political attitudes. These projects will involve a variety of tasks including data collection, video coding, data management, and participant recruitment. Prospective research assistants should be able to commit approximately 9 hours of work per week over the summer. Preference will be given to students that are able to commit for more than one semester. RAs are also expected to attend bi-weekly lab meetings, where they will learn more about social psychological research and careers in psychology. Other expectations may vary by project and can be seen on our lab website. Apply today! If you have additional questions, please contact Jami Eller at or visit our website.

Courses of Interest

4. Fall 2019- EPSY 3302: Introduction to Communication Skills for Educational and Community Settings - 3 credits

This course is great for anyone who wants to find ways to work better with others. Learn valuable communication skills and concepts as well as techniques to help you reflect on your own communication style.

EPSY 3302 meets Thursdays 4:40 pm- 7:20 pm

223 Appleby Hall

Instructor: Dr. Sherri Turner

Note: this course does not count as an elective in the Psychology majors or minors.

5. Fall 2019- EPSY 5461: Cross-Cultural Counseling - 3 credits

This course explores the effect of cross-cultural/cross-national psychological differences in human traits and characteristics. Cross-cultural differences in counseling with clients, students, and advisees will be explored.

EPSY 5461 meets Mondays 4:40 pm- 7:20 pm

123 Bruininks Hall

Instructor: Dr. Sherri Turner

Note: this course does not count as an elective in the Psychology majors or minors.


6. First-Gen Pre-Health Workshop Series

The Pre-Health Student Resource Center will be hosting a series of workshops throughout the 2019-2020 academic year, created specifically for first-gen students who are interested in health professions. Follow the link to see the workshop schedule and have a chance to sign up to get more information.


7. Stats Department Recruiting Volunteer Undergraduate Students

This year, the Stats Department is coordinating some teaching training for the new graduate TAs. During the training, the new TAs will each deliver a short lab session to a live audience. The audience will play the role of students (asking for clarification, answering questions, etc.) and provide feedback to the TAs. This is where students can help us—by serving as a volunteer “student” in the short lab sessions. I hope that you will consider volunteering with us, for who can serve as a better audience than the real students? Our TAs will get authentic classroom experience by interacting with you. By helping our new TAs develop better teaching skills, you will be benefiting yourselves or your peers who may take their classes in the future. Also, I believe this will be a fun experience as you get to “grade” the TAs. The short lab sessions will take place on Friday, August 23rd from 9:00- 11:00 am (including a short orientation session for the volunteer students) at Ford Hall. No experience is needed. As a small token of our thank-you for volunteering with us, $5 will be added to your Gopher Gold account afterward. If you are interested or have questions, please send Georgia Huang an email at

Jobs/Internship Opportunities

IMPORTANT: Organizations listed below are not necessarily affiliated with or endorsed by the Department of Psychology or Psychology Undergraduate Advising. Please exercise the same discretion you would in viewing any other source.

8. Psychology Technician Position

A full-time psychology technician that focuses on study recruitment, participant screening, and study session preparation is available at the Minneapolis VA Health Care System. The psychology technician would work with the principal investigator and Master’s level clinicians providing psychological interventions to veterans as part of two clinical trials being conducted at the Minneapolis VA Health Care System. The position is funded for 2 years. A Bachelor’s degree in psychology or a related field. Experience with serious mental illness is preferred. The position requires a high degree of organization, accuracy, interpersonal skill, and computer skill. Please contact Tasha Nienow, Ph.D., LP at to learn more.

9. Lindahl Academic Center is Hiring Psychology Tutors!

The Lindahl Academic Center is hiring tutors for Fall 2019! Applicants must possess an overall cumulative GPA of 3.0, and have passed the course they want to tutor with an "A" or "B" (equivalent course from other universities okay). Tutors work as few as three hours and as many as twenty hours per week and make $11/hour (undergraduate students) or $14/hour (graduate students). The most common course we need tutors for is PSY 1001, however, we also have a need for 3XXX level or higher PSY classes. Below is a list of our most commonly requested PSY courses:

PSY 1001, PSY 3001W, PSY 3011, PSY 3051, PSY 3206, PSY 3601, PSY 3711, PSY 3801, and PSY 4032

To apply, please look at our website. Feel free to reach out to our tutor coordinators, Adam Demchak at and Ethan Fenske at if you have questions. From there, we will notify you via email if you have been selected for an interview.

10. CCEL Hiring Peer Advisors! (Work-Study Required)

The CCEL coordinates campus-wide resources for curricular and co-curricular community-engagement and domestic off-campus study programs. We have a project-oriented and team management approach to accomplishing our work. Peer Advisors play a critical role in the CCEL by supporting student engagement through one-on-one advising on volunteer opportunities, facilitation, and program support. Individuals selected for this position will gain valuable program development experience, interpersonal communication skills, coordination experience, and valuable contacts with Twin Cities’ community activists and professionals in the nonprofit sector. Initial and ongoing training and development characterize student staff positions in the Center for Community-Engaged Learning. Student staff will receive appropriate letter(s) of reference/recommendation(s) as requested. Individuals will join a staff of innovative, fun, and collaboratively minded colleagues who share a commitment to community engagement, social change, and experiential learning. Find out more and apply on the UMN Job Website and search using job code #332081.

11. Position Openings with MN Center for Twin & Family Research (Full- and Part-Time)

The Minnesota Center for Twin and Family Research (MCTFR) is seeking applicants for three full-time positions, as well as one part-time paid undergrad research assistant (UGRA) position. To view full job postings, go to the UMN Job Board and follow the instructions below.

Full-Time: Click "External Faculty and Staff Applicants" or "Current U Employees" then search for the Job ID. The openings are Principal Recruiter (Job ID: 331402), Recruiter (Job ID: 331400), and Interviewer (Job ID: 331392).

Part-Time: Click "Students" and then search for the Job ID. The opening is ABCD UGRA (Job ID: 331406).

12. Two paid positions available at Women's Advocates!

There are two paid positions available at Women's Advocates, a non-profit organization in St. Paul and the nation's first domestic violence shelter. The application process is easy, just email your resume and cover letter to Brenisen Wheeler at! The first position is as a Community Engagement Intern which is a 9-month appointment: August 26th, 2019- May 2020. Read more about this position here. The second position is as a Contracted In-School Presenter who gives presentations to students on dating violence/healthy relationships and is also a 9-month appointment: September 4th, 2019-June 2020. Read more about this position here.

13. Psychiatry Department - Research Coordinator Position

We are looking to hire a full-time employee who will serve as the Research Coordinators working on multiple NIH-funded research protocols focused on alcoholism, neuroimaging, and neuromodulation. The Research Coordinator needs to have completed a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. The Research Coordinator will be involved with patient recruitment, neuroimaging, neuromodulation sessions, ongoing patient assessment including diagnostic interviews, data collection, data entry and verification, appointment scheduling and reminders. In addition, they will be responsible for phone follow-up of participants, preparing participants and equipment for EEG data collection, and collecting, logging, and storing specimens including saliva samples. Training will be provided for all position responsibilities. Hours for the position are Monday through Friday from 9:30 am – 5:30 pm, with occasional evening or weekend hours required. A two-year commitment is requested. This position requires a keen sense of detail, adherence to standard lab procedures including timeliness and professionalism, and all responsibilities are to be completed according to strict adherence to the Federal Code of Regulations and Good Clinical Practice Standards. If you are interested in this position, please send a resume to Jazmin Camchong at

14. PrairieCare - Psychiatric Technicians

PrairieCare is hiring Psychiatric Technicians to work in the 'Healthy Emotions Program' as part of their after school intensive outpatient programming services. The position works in tandem with therapists and a lead psychologist to plan and provide the best care possible for patients. As a psychiatric technician, you are working directly with patients utilizing a therapeutic approach. Psychiatric technicians facilitate psychoeducational skills and activity groups. Psychiatric technicians also assist in de-escalating patients and monitoring safety concerns. The position duties include charting medical records in a timely and efficient manner and ordering supplies. The full job description and application can be found here.

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