Adam Beaupre

Personality, individual differences, and behavior genetics psychology
Adam Beaupre

What projects are you currently working on?

My research focuses on topics relevant to Asian American and trans-nationally adopted populations, with an emphasis on questions related to inter-group relations, birth family and culture, and the interplay between personality traits and identity. For example, I have just finished a project that explored the adoptive and ethic identity profiles of adopted Korean American adolescents, and I am currently examining how the personality meta-traits (stability and plasticity) relate to ethnic identity and commitment and exploration.

Why did you decide to study at the University of Minnesota?

There were two factors that combined to influence my decision to study at University of Minnesota: Dr. Richard Lee (my advisor) and the PIB (personality, individual differences, and behavior genetics) major. Dr. Lee’s work on Asian American psychology, the psychology of transnational adoption, and ethnic identity was a perfect match for my research interests. After corresponding with him, it was clear that he would be a good fit for my working style. This combination of research interests and interpersonal “fit” made him an easy first choice of advisor as an applicant. Additionally, the PIB major was a large draw for me. In addition to being one of the few individual differences majors across the nation, PIB is very flexible and has allowed me to focus on the classes and research that are most important for my development as a researcher. These two pieces came together to make University of Minnesota the perfect fit for me.

What do you enjoy most about the Twin Cities?

I enjoy the great diversity of activities and interests you can pursue here. In the summer you can go from mountain biking and kayaking to fine dining in a 15-minute drive. In the winters you can ski, ice fish, play pickup hockey, or just relax in your favorite café with a nice warm cup of whatever makes you happy.

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