Alumni Spotlight: Omar Ahmed

Omar Ahmed

Omar Ahmed (he/him)

Major: PSY BA (Spring 2020)

Position: Clinical Outcomes Coordinator

Employer: Gillette Children's

What is your work like? What are your duties?

I interact with my department, multidisciplinary teams of clinical staff, operational staff, and patients and families. I collect, summarize and report on relevant quantitative and qualitative data surrounding different initiatives around the hospital. I also develop and lead staff training and provide customer service to patients, families, and staff.

How would you say your psychology degree has helped you with your current job?

Data and research are a big part of what I do in my current role. The Psychology department's Research Methods and Statistics courses gave me tools to collect and summarize data, which put me a step ahead when I started at Gillette.

In what way has your major complemented your current job?

My major complimented my current job by giving me an enhanced ability to interact with diverse populations. At the U, I prioritized taking courses that had to do with personality psychology, as well as workplace psychology to ensure that I was able to interact with individuals regardless of their roles in the workplace.

How did you find your current position? Please include any resources you may have used (UMN or otherwise)

I found my current position on Indeed.

What advice do you have for our current psych students and recent grads?

Persistence and patience. It is going to take time to find that "dream job" that checks all of your boxes, but you have to look for it because it does not fall in your lap!

If you are interested in being featured or would like to nominate someone to be featured, please fill out this Google Form. We are always looking to highlight our alumni and their accomplishments!

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