Meet Yuyang Zhao

Peer Advisor
Picture of peer advisor Yuyang Zhao

Pronouns: he/him/his

Graduation: Planning to graduate in spring 2023

What experiences related to your psychology major do you have/have you had? 

Yuyang joined Jeff Simpson’s Social Interaction Lab in his sophomore year and has been working with dyadic data in behavioral interactions for parents and children, and interventions for healthy relationships. He also worked at Moin Syed’s lab doing identity commitment study and personality assessment. 

What is your favorite UMN resource to recommend to your peers?

Yuyang really likes to take advantage of the 3D printer at the Anderson Innovation Labs. He printed Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber and some other cool gadgets. The innovation lab also provides some soldering tools, 3D scanning, saws, and many more tools to build, craft, and design.

What are your favorite topics in psychology to study?

One of Yuyang’s focuses in psychology is the MMPIs in personality assessment. He really enjoyed taking PSY 3101 Intro to Personality, which covers the contemporary personality ideology in psychology. 

How might students benefit from meeting with a peer advisor? 

Students usually find a strong connection with peers since they will relate to each other more often. As a result, there will often be fewer conversation barriers, and students tend to bring up more interesting ideas to me. Yuyang thinks peer advisor also promotes mentorship and could help students to navigate college life with ease.

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