Grad Student Releases Coloring Book

Samantha Montoya, graduate student in the Department of Neuroscience at the University of Minnesota, has found a connection between her two passions of art and neuroscience. The Minnesota Daily’s article titled, “UMN grad student launches neuroscience coloring book,” explores her latest project, the “University of Minnesota Coloring Book.” The coloring book is composed of images from journal articles published by graduate students in the neuroscience program.The book was first released to incoming graduate students in the program as part of their welcome weekend as a way to destress.

Dr. Cheryl Olman, an associate professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota, helps to oversee neuroscience outreach and engagement for the graduate program. She champions the work of Montoya and her contributions to the department. With Brain Awareness Week taking place March 15-21, Montoya’s coloring book will be a part of a University-hosted neuroscience coloring contest.

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