June 2024 PhD Graduates
A big congratulations to all our recent Psychology PhD graduates! Your hard work, dedication, and passion for advancing the field of psychology have led you to this remarkable achievement. We are immensely proud to welcome you to the Department of Psychology’s alumni!

Dissertation title: “Data-Driven Approaches to Reducing Adolescent Suicide: Leveraging Informatics Approaches for Prevention and Support”
Area: CSPR
Advisors: Bob Krueger, Bonnie Klimes-Dougan

Dissertation title: “Developmental Antecedents of Maladaptive Personality Traits: A Behavioral Genetic Investigation”
Area: CSPR
Advisor: Bob Krueger

Dissertation title: “Development of an Inclusive Measure of Gender-Based Public Harassment”
Area: Counseling
Advisor: Pat Frazier

Dissertation title: “Interactive Narratives: Evaluating the Impact of Agency and Immersion on Empathy and Attitude Change Toward Marginalized Groups”
Area: Social
Advisors: Marti Gonzales, Mark Snyder
Composed by Madison Stromberg, communications assistant.