Liu Showcases Research in Graduate School’s Three-Minute Thesis Competition

Shirelle Liu

Shirelle Liu showcased her research by participating in the Three-Minute Thesis Competition (3MT). This competition tasks students with presenting their research within a tight 180-second timeframe, ensuring clarity for an intelligent audience without subject-specific backgrounds. The competition allows participants to use only one static slide and no other additional props. Beyond its competitive aspect, the Three-Minute Thesis plays a role in honing the presentation and communication skills of graduate students.

Victorious in the Department of Psychology’s 3MT, Liu progressed to the university-wide graduate school competition. Although she didn’t secure a placement in the latter, Liu’s commendable performance at the departmental level remains a testament to her exceptional abilities. Congratulations to Shirelle Liu for her noteworthy achievement in the Three-Minute Thesis Competition.

Watch Liu’s Three-Minute Thesis Hidden Hope Inside Addicted Brains.

Shirelle Liu, PhD candidate in Biopsychology in the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota.

Composed by Madison Stromberg, communications assistant.

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