Liza Meredith Reflects on TikTok's Impact Amidst Potential Ban

Headshot of Dr. Liza Meredith

Liza Meredith speaks on the possible ban of TikTok in a recent article by The Minnesota Daily. Meredith has noticed less social comparison content on TikTok compared to other apps. TikTok’s content doesn’t show “how great one’s life is” like Instagram does. 

Instead, her clients have told her that TikTok allows them to feel more connected to others with similar struggles. It is a staple in many lives right now and there may be a sense of loss when it gets banned. Even with a possible ban on TikTok, Meredith doubts that “the tendency to check our phones and trying to stay up with what’s going on or connect with other people is going to disappear.”

Liza Meredith, PhD, Assistant Teaching Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota.

Composed by Madison Stromberg, communications assistant.

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