Meredith on the Loneliness Epidemic

Headshot of Dr. Liza Meredith

A recent article from The Minnesota Daily titled “Fareed: The loneliness epidemic: a silent crisis” delves into how the country is facing a loneliness epidemic. This epidemic was present before the COVID-19 pandemic. In this new day and age, digital connectedness becomes more prevalent which leads to the question of why young adults are experiencing more loneliness and less social skills in the digital age. 

In the article, Liza Meredith mentions that young adults do have social skills; they are just a different type of social skill that older generations are not as familiar with. These digital social skills can be just as important. As for loneliness, Meredith says that it happens to everyone. Accepting that loneliness is a part of life can be helpful. 

Liza Meredith, PhD, Contract Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota

Composed by Madison Stromberg, communications assistant.

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