Meredith on the USG’s New Approach to Student Life

Headshot of Dr. Liza Meredith

In a recent Minnesota Daily article titled, “Undergraduate Student Government Renames Campus Life Committee,” the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) makes a significant change by renaming its Campus Life Committee to Student Life and Well-Being Committee. This strategic move aims to redirect the focus onto the students and their specific needs and development. Liza Meredith highlights the importance of this shift. By emphasizing issues that are particularly relevant to college students, the committee can play a crucial role in addressing the unique stressors that often impact students’ mental health negatively. 

Meredith also acknowledges the valuable role of the committee in fostering peer-to-peer interactions among students. She emphasizes that this can create a more relaxed and comfortable environment for students to openly discuss their feelings and concerns compared to seeking professional mental health support.

Liza Meredith, PhD, Assistant Teaching Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota.

Composed by Madison Stromberg, communications assistant.

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