Psychology's Kathawalla Receives 2019 Graduate SEED Award

The Graduate SEED Award honors outstanding graduate and professional students at the University of Minnesota who focus their research on issues of equity, diversity, and social justice, and who demonstrate creativity and the potential for future excellence in their field.

Ummul-Kiram Kathawalla, doctoral student in the Counseling Psychology program, is one of the 2019 Graduate SEED Award winners. Kathawalla recently co-authored a study on how Somali people have adapted to migration as expressed in digital stories (see her list of scholarly publications). She is an advisee of Moin Syed, PhD and member of the NICE Lab.  Syed is also the adviser of a 2018 Graduate SEED winner, Jill Fish.

The award will be announced at the University of Minnesota‘s Equity and Diversity Breakfast on Thursday, November 7, 2019.

Congratulations, Ummul, and thank you for your commitment to equity and diversity!

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