Spring 2024 Undergraduate Research Symposium Presenters

The UMN’s Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium is an annual event that provides undergraduate researchers an opportunity to share their research, scholarly, and creative projects with the University community. We are proud of these psychology majors who presented their research throughout poster sessions on April 18th. This was a record number of psychology presentations in the last few years!
Abigail West
Mentor: Charisse Pickron (Institute of Child Development)
Topic: “Human Facial Perception of Primates Through ERP Measurement”
Alia Mohamed
Mentor: Meredith Gunlicks-Stoessel (Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences)
Topic: “Mental Health Service Preference in Rural Caregivers and Adolescents”
Andrew Kind
Mentor: Craig Marquardt (Minneapolis VA Health Care System)
Topic: “Midline Frontal Theta and Trait Negative Emotionality Amongst Military Recruits”
Anuk Dias
Mentor: Charisse Pickron (Institute of Child Development)
Audrey Ronan
Mentor: Melissa Ertl (Department of Psychology)Topic: “How Well Does Berry’s Model of Acculturation Apply to Latina Young Adult College Students in the U.S.?”
Clarista Berg
Mentor: Jazmin Camchong (Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences)
Topic: “Sex-Dependant Changes in Depression Associated With Relapse Status”
Cayden Drake
Mentor: Amanda Woodward (Department of Psychology)
Topic: “Conversational Artificial Intelligence as a Statistics Learning Scaffold”
Chloe Thompson
Mentor: Juan Del Toro (Department of Psychology)
Topic: “In the Shadows of Policing: Sibling Perspectives on Cannabis Use in American Youth”
Delaney Ross
Mentors: Vivian Lee and Amelia Blankenau (Department of Psychology)
Topic: “The Effect of Cultural Values on Participants' Perception of Employees Involved in Workplace Romance”
Elizabeth Strock
Mentor: Deniz Ones (Department of Psychology)
Topic: “Personality and Sleep: A Meta-Analysis of Negative Affect and Sleep-Wake Variables”
Ella Campana
Mentor: Bonnie Klimes-Dougan (Department of Psychology)
Ellie Suppes
Mentor: Meredith Gunlicks-Stoessel (Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences)
Topic: “Mental Health Service Preference in Rural Caregivers and Adolescents”
Ethan Nguyen
Mentor: Moin Syed (Department of Psychology)
Topic: “Variability in Relationship Satisfaction: A Dyadic Daily Diary Study”
Fatuma Arab
Mentor: Moin Syed (Department of Psychology)
Topic: “Variability in Relationship Satisfaction: A Dyadic Daily Diary Study”
Hana Kotzmuth
Mentor: Deniz Ones (Department of Psychology)
Topic: “A Meta-Analytic Study of Compound Traits and Sleep”
Hanna Babyna
Mentor: Drexler James (Department of Psychology)
Jason Shulman
Mentor: Patricia Frazier (Department of Psychology)
Jax Arnold
Mentor: Gail Ferguson (Institute of Child Development)
Topic: “Applying Antiracist Research Principles: A Case Study of The CARPE DIEM Project”
Joseph Burgess
Mentor: Vivian Lee and Amelia Blankenau (Department of Psychology)
Topic: “The Effect of Cultural Values on Participants’ Perception of Employees Involved in Workplace Romance”
Kaia Schomburg
Mentor: Karina Quevedo (Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences)
Kate McKinney
Mentor: Amanda Woodward (Department of Psychology)
Kalina Berg
Mentor: Gail Ferguson (Institute of Child Development)
Topic: “Applying Antiracist Research Principles: A Case Study of The CARPE DIEM Project”
Kelli Kotzlov
Mentor: Wilma Koutstaal (Department of Psychology)
Kelsey Madden
Mentor: Moin Syed (Department of Psychology)
Topic: “Variability in Relationship Satisfaction: A Dyadic Daily Diary Study”
Lana El Madani
Mentor: Meredith Gunlicks-Stoessel (Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences)
Lillianne Devereux
Mentor: Angus MacDonald III (Department of Psychology)
Topic: “Cognition and Role Functioning Outcomes in Patients with Early Psychosis”
Maansi Ahuja
Mentor: Moin Syed (Department of Psychology)
Topic: “Romantic Partner's Perceptual Accuracy and Relationship Quality”
Madeline Griffith
Mentor: Moin Syed (Department of Psychology)
Topic: “Romantic Partner's Perceptual Accuracy and Relationship Quality”
Melanie Rodriguez-Mejia
Mentor: Melissa Ertl (Department of Psychology)
Topic: “Social and Contextual Factors Influencing STI Diagnosis Among Latina College Students”
Monir Sabia
Mentor: Gail Ferguson (Institute of Child Development)
Topic: “Applying Antiracist Research Principles: A Case Study of The CARPE DIEM Project”
Mulki Omar
Mentor: Richard Lee (Department of Psychology)
Nicholas Hadacek
Mentor: Colin DeYoung (Department of Psychology)
Topic: “Predicting personality pathology from self-other disagreement in normative personality measures”
Nicole Vela
Mentor: Monique Nakamura (Department of Psychology)
Topic: “Attachment and Intimate Relationship Conflict”
Oscar Soriano
Mentor: Bonnie Klimes-Dougan (Department of Psychology)
Quincey Feragen
Mentor: Wilma Koutstaal (Department of Psychology)
Topic: “The Effects of Arts-Based Interventions on Creativity and Depression in Adolescents”
Rory McFarlane
Mentor: Scott Sponheim (Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences)
Topic: “Event-Related Potential Component Analyses of the Illusory Contour Task in Patients with Psychosis”
Sara Jeremiason
Mentor: Melissa Ertl (Department of Psychology)
Topic: “Sexual Orientation in Relation to Depressive Symptoms and Substance Use”
Selena Xiao
Mentor: Melissa Ertl (Department of Psychology)
Topic: “Differences in Experiences of Sexism by Race and Ethnicity Among Young Adults College Student Women”
Shanze Hayee
Mentor: Bonnie Klimes-Dougan (Department of Psychology)
Taylor Knickel
Mentor: Gordon Legge (Department of Psychology)
Topic: “Dividing Attention Between Vision and Hearing in Spatial Localization Tasks”
Tyler Nguyen
Mentor: Jazmin Camchong (Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences)
Xin Lin
Mentor: Amanda Woodward (Department of Psychology)
Yuyi Wang
Mentor: Mark Stellmack (Department of Psychology)
Topic: “The Effect of Closeness of Group Members on Individual Moral Decision Making”
Zack Kunkel
Mentor: Rich Lee (Department of Psychology)
Topic: “The Impact of el Ingenio Mexicano on Mental Health Care Utilization”
Zakaria Jamari
Mentor: Traci Mann (Department of Psychology)
Topic: “Disparities in wait times and doctor visits in Black and White patients”
Composed by Madison Stromberg, communications assistant.