Undergraduate Psychology Students Present at the MUPC
The 58th annual Minnesota Undergraduate Psychology Conference (MUPC) was held at Carleton College, on Saturday, April 27, 2024. This conference gives undergraduate students the opportunity to present their research. The 59th annual conference will be held at the University of Minnesota in April 2025.
The following University of Minnesota psychology students participated in this conference through poster sessions or 15-minute paper presentations:
- Craig Marquardt, Andrew Kind, Eric Rawls & Collin Teich: “Midline Frontal Theta and Trait Negative Emotionality Amongst Military Recruits”
- Yuyi Wang, Mannal Sadiq & Zainab Malik: “The Effect of Closeness of Group Members on Individual Moral Decision Making”
- Siobhan Crowley, Audrey Harbott, Ikram Moudi: “Who's In Charge? Children's Inferences and Explanations about Status from Social Exclusion”
- Samuel Kellen, Y Nguyen: “Children Identify and Judge Those Who Do Not Perform Prosocial Helping Behaviors”
- Layssa Paulina Pena: “Racial Color-Blindness and its Effects on Racial Socialization and Psychological Wellbeing”
- Brynn Tepp: “Precursors and Consequences of Internalized Homophobia: The Experiences and Activities of People Who Identify as Members of the LGBT Community”
- Andrea Beltran-Moore: “Body Image Advice to Self Across Women’s Lifespan”
- Madison Lance: “Measuring Sexual Harassment: The Impact of Race in College Students”
Taylor Stephens: “Attachment Theory & Emotion: A Review of the Literature”
Composed by Madison Stromberg, communications assistant.