Xiong on Making Digital Reading More Accessible
Individuals with low vision benefit from the research and procedures calculating the optimal sizes of digital displays. In an article in Healio, “Digital calculation tool makes digital reading accessible for patients with low vision,” Yingzi Xiong provides guidance to clinicians on recommending appropriate digital reading displays for patients. The goal of such displays is to maximize reading speed in low-vision individuals, which involves considering print size, width, font size, and device compatibility. More details for this guideline are provided in their recently published paper. Xiong and colleagues have also developed an online app “MyReadingDisplay” that assists in digital display selection. Xiong leads projects in the Minnesota Laboratory of Low-vision Research directed by Gordon Legge, and the Center for Applied and Translational Sensory Science and thus highlights the investigation of future studies that can provide more information on more accommodating digital devices and environments.
Yingzi Xiong, PhD, Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota.