Timelines for Degree Progress

The norm of program time to complete a PhD is six years, unless the student received a transferrable MA at a different institution, in which case the expected time to complete the PhD is four years.




Year 1

  • Begin coursework: SPPT 5999, SPPT 5995, SPPT 8920, and 2 seminars
  • Meet with GPC to complete the degree audit.
  • Continue coursework for MA

Year 2

  • Required coursework, conference presentations
  • Work on Star Paper and meet with advisor
  • Meet with GPC to submit MA GPAS Planner
  • Required coursework, conference presentations
  • Work on Star Paper and meet with advisor
  • Assign MA committee
  • Qualifying Evaluation

Year 3

  • Coursework for PhD requirements
  • 2nd publishable paper
  • Prepare exam reading lists
  • Meet with GPC to submit PhD GPAS Planner
  • Complete coursework for PhD
  • Assign Preliminary Exam committee
  • Take Preliminary Written Exam

Year 4

  • Must complete all coursework if not completed in year 3
  • Preliminary Oral Exam & Prospectus

Year 5 & 6


  • Assign PhD Final Committee
  • Dissertation Checkpoint 12-15 months after Oral Exam
  • PhD Final Defense
Year 1
  • Begin coursework: SPPT 5999, SPPT 5995, SPPT 8920, and 2 seminars
  • Meet with GPC to complete the degree audit.
  • Meet with GPC to submit MA GPAS Planner
  • Required coursework, conference presentations
  • Work on Star Paper and meet with advisor
  • Assign MA committee
  • Qualifying Evaluation
Year 2
  • Required coursework, conference presentations, work on publishable papers
  • Prepare Exam Reading Lists
  • Meet with GPC to submit PhD GPAS Planner
  • Required coursework, conference presentations, work on publishable papers
  • Assign Preliminary Exam committee
  • Preliminary Written Exam
Year 3
  • Preliminary Oral Exam & Prospectus
  • Must complete all coursework if not completed in year 2

Year 4


  • Assign PhD Final Committee
  • Dissertation Checkpoint 12-15 months after Oral Exam
  • PhD Final Defense