Summer Courses

CLA Summer Courses
CLA Summer Courses
Summer sessions can be a great opportunity to fit in more courses — and CLA has plenty to catch your interest!
Check out CLA's variety of summer courses!
Use this custom filter to see all of the undergraduate courses offered by CLA's academic departments for Summer 2024:

Liberal Education (LE) Courses
Get some LE requirements done!
At least 26 different academic departments in CLA are offering summer courses with a Liberal Education designation.

May Term Courses
Want to spend only 3 weeks earning course credits?
CLA’s academic departments offer summer courses that could be just what you are looking for — including many during the three-week May Term.

Second Languages
Fulfilling your language requirements?
CLA offers summer courses in 7 different languages. Improve your fluency as you become globally aware, culturally sensitive, and an informed and knowledgeable world citizen!

1000-Level Courses
Want to explore something new?
Summer is a great time to break out of the ordinary! You can learn the basics of everything from psychology to cultural studies to poetry writing.

And Lots More!
The possible groupings of CLA summer courses are almost endless! New categories will rotate through on this landing page periodically.
Or you can take a look at all of the courses at once ...