Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in CLA

CLA students in stadium

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in CLA

The core values of the College of Liberal Arts include freedom of thought and expression; respect, diversity, and social justice; excellence in all we do; and efficiency and adaptability in the achievement of our mission.

On This Page:

CLA is a destination for curious, compassionate individuals who are committed to making our increasingly interdependent and diverse global community work for everyone. That foundational commitment begins in our CLA Constitution. CLA is committed to increasing enrollment of underrepresented and under-resourced students, diversifying our faculty across all disciplines, recruiting and retaining a diverse staff, and promoting the expression and exploration of diverse perspectives and viewpoints—so that we all gain the background knowledge and analytical skills we need to understand and respect differences.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is a cornerstone of the Roadmap, CLA's strategic plan.


CLA's Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI) is charged with providing leadership, coordination, and accountability within and across the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Minnesota and its units regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion. The office provides leadership and support on matters of racial equity and justice including internal culture and climate; recruitment and retention of faculty, staff, and students; action steps to reduce student equity gaps; and the application of a rigorous equity lens on our policies, procedures, and practices.   

The Liberal Arts Engagement Hub and coordination of CLA’s efforts to advance public engagement have been strategically embedded within ODEI in order to take advantage of significant synergies related to public engagement, the Liberal Arts Engagement Hub and issues of diversity, equity and inclusion. 

Learn more about ODEI on the Neighborhood, CLA's Intranet

Interim Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Amelious N. Whyte, Jr. (uh-MEEL-yus WYT) He/Him/His

The Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is always open to hearing suggestions. Contact us at [email protected] or anonymously submit a suggestion via this form.

Woman in a red coat talking and gesturing to several people seated

Working in CLA

At the University of Minnesota, we value having a diversity of views and experiences that enrich our campus community and foster excellence. We are dedicated to creating a campus culture that respects everyone equally. Learn more about working at the University of Minnesota

Fall 2021

Faculty of Color
Staff of Color
Female Faculty

Indigenous Staff & Staff of Color Community

CLA's Indigenous Staff & Staff of Color Community promotes personal and professional growth through shared experiences, resources, and strategies for staff of color. It launched in December 2017 to help advance the College’s goal of cultivating a welcoming and respectful climate in its diverse intellectual community. It is an active organization that includes members from throughout the College. To learn more about this community, view their On Purpose profile or visit The Neighborhood (CLA's intranet).

Student in a classroom talking to fellow students with laptops

Studying in CLA

Fall 2021 Student Population


CLA students are 42.0% of the total UMN-Twin Cities (TC) undergraduate degree-seeking population. Overwhelmingly, CLA students are an even larger percentage of the TC student population among numerous groups that enhance the University’s diversity. CLA students comprise:

  • 39.3% of all TC students who identify as Asian
  • 45.8% of all TC multi-racial students
  • 46.6% of all TC female students
  • 46.8% of all TC international students
  • 46.8% of all TC BIPOC students
  • 48.2% of all TC first-generation students
  • 49.7% of all TC Chicano/a & Latino/a students
  • 51.1% of all TC Pell-eligible students
  • 57.0% of all TC Black students
  • 63.2% of all TC American Indian students


At the doctoral level, CLA students are 19.3% of the total Twin Cities doctoral population. CLA doctoral students comprise:

  • 19.9% of Twin Cities female doctoral students
  • 20.2% of Black students
  • 20.4% of BIPOC students
  • 20.5% of multi-racial students
  • 28.0% of Chicano/a & Latino/a students
  • 29.0% of American Indian students


Undergraduate Students

The CLA Undergraduate Education staff actively promotes diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice.


Graduate Students

Public Art on campus - metal sculpture that resembles a partial globe with a section of colorful woven metal

Diversity Initiatives

An overview of the different diversity programs, initiatives, and fellowships available for graduate students.

Diversity Initiatives

President's Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

The President's Postdoctoral Fellowship Program is a University of Minnesota program that seeks applicants whose research, teaching, and service will contribute to diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity in higher education and at the University. 

Dancers in costume and other community members for a Dia De Los Muertos event

Academic Expertise, Outreach, and Engagement in CLA

Race, Indigeneity, Disability, Gender & Sexuality Studies

Established in 2015, the Center for Race, Indigeneity, Disability, Gender & Sexuality Studies (RIDGS) in the College of Liberal Arts was created to support innovative research, teaching, and community-building for scholars engaged with issues of race, indigeneity, disability, gender, and sexuality. RIDGS is dedicated to bringing faculty and students together to pursue lines of inquiry that challenge systems of power and inequality, assert human dignity, and imagine social transformation. Learn more about the Race, Indigeneity, Disability, Gender & Sexuality Initiative.

In August 2020, RIDGS launched a collection of online resources about racial justice at the University of Minnesota.

CLA is also a supporter and donor to the CLA-faculty-led Black Midwest Initiative, a "collective of scholars, students, artists, organizers, and community-involved people who are committed to advocating for the lives of people of African descent as they are situated throughout the Midwest and Rust Belt regions of the United States."

Faculty Expertise Around Issues of Race, Justice, Dignity, and Respect

Our faculty, across a wide range of departments, are bringing their insights and expertise to benefit and teach local, national, and international communities. This depth of understanding leads to their being called upon by the media for insights and clarity—especially during times of tragedy. 

Departmental Statements of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

In addition to our college-wide commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, several departments have shared their commitments on their websites. Read about them in the links below.


The University of Minnesota shall provide equal access to and opportunity in its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.